3.10.1 Diameter Traffic Throttle Points Maintenance Elements

Table 3-14 describes the fields on the Traffic Throttle Points maintenance page.

Table 3-14 Traffic Throttle Points Maintenance Elements

Field Description
Name A name of the Traffic Throttle Point.
Throttling Admin State The static throttling administrative state.
Dynamic Throttling Admin State The dynamic throttling administrative state from the associated Peer Node.
Operational Status Operational status for TTP ETR throttling.
Operational Reason Operational reason for each TTP. This provides additional information for each Operational Status regarding the condition is preventing the Operational Status from being available.
Abatement Algorithm Abatement algorithm that is currently being applied as a result of receiving an OLR associated with the TTP (TTP's Operational Reason = Peer Overload).
Current Loss Percentage (%)

Loss rate (Reduction Percentage) currently being applied to the traffic routed to a TTP based upon an OLR received from a DOIC node. This value is non-zero during TTP Overload Recovery.

This field is updated when a new OLR is processed, when a modify OLR changes this value and each time the DOIC Overload Recovery timer expires.

Validity Duration DOIC Validity Duration value (in seconds) if an OLR is received from a DOIC node.
Offered Transactions per Second The rate of transactions which are being routed to the TTP before diversion is applied.
Max Egress Transactions per Second Allowed The maximum number of egress transactions allowed per second.
Percent of Actions Diverted (%) The percentage of transactions which are being routed to the TTP which are being diverted or abandoned.
Target Egress Transactions per Second Allowed The target number of egress transactions which are allowed per second.
Time until Loss=0 (sec) The time of day when the Current Loss Percent is restored to 0%.
Time of Last Update Time of most recent update.