2.11.3 Editing a Peer Node

Use this task to edit a Peer Node.

When the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Nodes [Edit] page opens, the fields are initially populated with the current values for the selected Peer Node.

Configuration considerations:
  • The Peer Node Name cannot be changed
  • You cannot remove an IP Addresses entry that is in use by at least one connection. A new IP Address can be added.
  • The following fields cannot be edited if there is at least one Enabled connection:
    • Realm
    • Fully Qualified Domain Name
    • SCTP Listen Port
    • TCP Listen Port
    • DTLS/SCTP Listen Port
    • TLS/TCP Listen Port
    • RADIUS UDP Server Ports
    • RADIUS UDP Client Ports
    • Enable RADIUS UDP Port Range Start
    • Enable RADIUS UDP Port Range End
    • AAA Protocol
  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Nodes.
  2. Select the Peer Node you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Update the relevant fields.
    For more information about each field please see Diameter Peer Node Configuration Elements.

    An entry in a list can be removed by selecting --Select-- in the list, or selecting the X at the end of the list (if an X is available).

    An IP Address can be removed by deleting the information in the text box or by clicking the X at the end of the text box.

    Responder only connections associated with a Peer Node are not considered listen ports (SCTP, TCP, TLS, or DTLS).

  5. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.
    If you attempt to edit a Peer Node instance whose Dynamic attribute is YES, the following Peer Nodes attributes are rendered read-only:
    • Realm
    • FQDN
    • SCTP Listen Port
    • TCP Listen Port
    • DTLS/SCTP Listen Port
    • TLS/TCP Listen Port
    • IP Addresses
    • Minimum Connection Capacity