2.11.1 Diameter Peer Node Configuration Elements

Table 2-16 describes the fields on the Peer Node's Insert and Edit pages. Data input notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages.


Any request for a list of peer nodes does not include any dynamically-created peer node instances.

When you select peer node from a peer route group, you can specify to pass over peer nodes that have too high of a DOIC loss rate.

Table 2-16 Peer Node Configuration Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Peer Node Name Unique name of the peer node.

Format: text

Range: valid name

AAA Protocol Specifies the AAA protocol for this peer node, which defines the peer node as diameter or RADIUS.

Format: list

Range: diameter or RADIUS

Default: NA

* Realm Realm of the peer node.

Format: text

Range: valid realm required

* FQDN Unique Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN); specifies exact location in the tree hierarchy of the DNS.

Format: text

Range: valid FQDN required

SCTP Listen Port

SCTP listen port number for the peer node.

If the SCTP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 3868 displays in the field.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 65535

Default: 3868

TCP Listen Port

TCP listen port number for the peer node.

If the TCP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 3868 displays in the field.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 65535

Default: 3868

DTLS/SCTP Listen Port

The DTLS/SCTP listen port number for the peer node.

If the DTLS/SCTP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 5658 displays in the field.

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) allows datagram based applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery. The DTLS protocol is based on the stream-oriented Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 65535

Default: 5658

TLS/TCP Listen Port

The TLS/TCP listen port number for the peer node.

If the TLS/TCP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 5658 displays in the field.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an application layer security protocol that run over TCP transport.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 65535

Default: 5658

RADIUS UDP Server Ports UDP ports that serve (server port) as a destination port for messages from DA-MP to this peer node (representing a RADIUS server). When the peer node is representing a RADIUS server, this represents the UDP ports that can serve as a destination port for requests forwarded by DSR to the RADIUS server. A RADIUS client connection associated with the peer node must select one of these ports as a destination port during connection configuration to have DSR forward requests to the RADIUS server at the selected destination port.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 49151

Default: NA

IP Addresses

IP address, or addresses, available for establishing diameter transport connections to the peer node.

View - Each peer node entry displays a + sign and the number of IP addresses assigned to that peer node. Click the + sign to display the IP addresses; the + sign changes to a - sign. Click the - sign to display the number again.

[Insert] and [Edit] - The field contains an Add button that can be clicked up to 127 times to create 128 text boxes for IP addresses. Each entry is numbered to indicate the number of IP addresses that have been added.

Format: numeric

Range: up to 128 valid IP addresses

Default: NA


Indicates whether or not the peer node was created dynamically (YES) or statically (NO). NO is assigned for all peer node instances, except for those created via dynamic peer discovery. If you attempt to edit a peer node whose dynamic attribute is yes, several of the GUI page attributes are rendered read-only.

Note:This element does not display on the Peer Nodes [Insert] page.

Format: checkbox (read-only on the Peer Nodes [Edit] page)

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: unchecked

Alternate Implicit Route

Route list to use for routing messages to this peer node if all peer routing rules and implicit peer routes are unavailable.

Each entry in the Alternate Implicit Route column on the view page is a link to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Route List [Filtered] page for the selected entry only.

Format: List

Range: Configured Route Lists

Default: none

Replace Dest Realm If checked, the destination realm AVP of outgoing messages is overwritten with this peer node realm.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: unchecked

Replace Dest Host If checked, the destination host AVP of outgoing messages is overwritten with this peer node FQDN.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: unchecked

Topology Hiding Status

If enabled, diameter topology hiding is applicable to this peer node.

See Diameter Topology Hiding.

Format: list

Range: Disabled, Enabled

Default: disabled

* Minimum Connection Capacity The minimum number of connections that must be available to this peer in order for it to be available. Otherwise, the peer is degraded if fewer than the minimum number of connections are available, or unavailable if no connections are available.

Format: numeric

Range: 1-64

Default: 1

* Maximum Alternate Routing Attempts The maximum number of times that a request can be rerouted to this peer before the next eligible peer is selected.

Format: numeric

Range: 1-4

Default: 4

Alternate Routing On Connection Failure Indicates whether to perform alternate routing on alternate connections to the same peer before selecting the next eligible peer of a peer route group, when a connection failure occurs.

Format: options

Range: Same Peer, Different Peer

Default: different peer

Alternate Routing On Answer Timeout Indicates whether to perform alternate routing on the same connection or on alternate connections to the same peer before selecting the next eligible peer of a peer route group, when an answer timeout occurs.

Format: options

Range: Same Peer, Different Peer, Same Connection

Default: different peer

Alternate Routing On Answer Result Code

Indicates whether to perform alternate routing on alternate connections to the same peer before selecting the next eligible peer of a peer route group, when a reroute on answer result code occurs.

Format: options

Range: Same Peer, Different Peer

Default: different peer

Message Priority Setting

Defines the source of Message Priority for a request message arriving on a connection associated with the peer node.

The message priority setting for the connection takes precedence over the message priority setting for the peer node.

Format: options

Range: None, Read From Request Message, User Configured

Default: none

Message Priority Configuration Set The Message Priority Configuration set used if User Configured is selected for the message priority setting

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Message Priority Configuration Sets

Default: -select-

Transaction Configuration Set

A configuration managed object that allows independent grouping of transaction configuration rules for varying use case needs.

For example, an ingress peer node can optionally use this configuration for routing and transaction parameters (ART/PRT/ROS/PAT) selection. Up to 100 of such containers are supported for grouping transaction configuration rules.

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Transaction Configuration Sets

Default: not selected

Application Route Table

The application route table associated with this peer node.

If application route table is set to is Not Selected, search default transaction configuration set and apply longest/strongest match. Use ART associated with best match, if any is found.

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Application Route Tables

Default: not selected

Peer Route Table

The peer route table associated with the peer node.

If peer route table is set to Not Selected, search default transaction configuration set and apply longest/strongest match. Use PRT associated with best match, if any is found.

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Peer Route Tables

Default: not selected

Ingress Routing Option Set

The routing option set associated with this ingress peer node.

If Ingress routing option set is set to Not Selected, search default Transaction Configuration Set and apply longest/strongest match. Use ROS associated with best match, if any is found.

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Routing Option Sets

Default: not selected

Egress Pending Answer Timer

The Pending Answer Timer associated with the egress peer node.

If egress pending answer timer is set to Not Selected, search default Transaction Configuration Set and apply longest/strongest match. Use PAT associated with best match, if any is found.

Format: list

Range: Default, Configured Pending Answer Timers

Default: not selected

Peer Node Group Name A group of peer nodes that share common characteristics and attributes. This group is used by IPFE for peer node group aware connection distribution.

Format: unique string, case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: 1 - 32 characters

AVP Removal List The AVP removal list associated with this peer node. See Diameter AVP Removal Lists .
Answer On Any Connection

Defines whether an Ingress Answer message on any connection from a Peer Node is supported or not.

If enabled for a Peer Node, then DSR processes the Ingress Diameter Answer message received on any connection from the same upstream Peer to which the Egress Diameter Request message was sent.

If disabled for a Peer Node, then DSR abandons the Diameter Answer message received on a different connection from the one on which the request was sent to the peer.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: unchecked

Ignore Priority From Peer If checked, Ignore priority from prior state can be changed only if DRMP or NGN-PS is enabled. If DRMP and NGN-PS both are Disabled, then Ignore priority from prior is not changed.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: unchecked

Traffic Throttle Point The number of TTPs associated with the peer node. See Diameter Traffic Throttle Points.