2.11.2 Adding a Peer Node

Use this task to create a new Peer Node.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Nodes.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Peer Node in the Peer Node Name field.
  4. Make a selection for AAA Protocol.
  5. Enter the Realm.
  6. Enter a FQDN.
  7. Enter a SCTP Listen Port number.
    If the SCTP connection mode is configured as Initiator or Initiator & Responder, then the port listens to SCTP connections. If the SCTP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 3868 displays in the field.
  8. Enter a TCP Listen Port number.
    If the TCP connection mode is configured as Initiator or Initiator & Responder, then the port listens to TCP connections. If the TCP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 3868 displays in the field.
  9. Enter a DTLS/SCTP Listen Port number.
    If the DTLS/SCTP connection mode is configured as Initiator or Initiator & Responder, then the port listens to DTLS/SCTP connections. If the DTLS/SCTP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 5658 displays in the field.
  10. Enter a TLS/TCP Listen Port number.
    If the TLS/TCP connection mode is configured as Initiator or Initiator & Responder, then the port listens to TLS/TCP connections. If the TLS/TCP connection mode is set as Responder Only, the port is not considered a listen port and the value 5658 displays in the field.
  11. Enter a RADIUS UDP Server Port.
  12. Enter an IP Addresses.

    An IP address is optional if a Primary DNS Server IP Address is configured. See Diameter DNS Options.

    To add the first IP Address, enter the IP address in the text box.

    To add another IP Address, click Add and enter the IP Address in the new text box. See Table 2-16 for limitations on the number of IP addresses you can add.

  13. Select a Alternate Implicit Route from the list.
    This field is optional. This Route List is used for routing if a message does not match any of the configured Peer Routing Rules and implicit routes are exhausted.
  14. To overwrite the Destination Realm of outgoing messages to the peer with the Peer Realm, click the Replace Dest Realm checkbox (a checkmark appears in the box).
  15. To overwrite the Destination Host of outgoing messages to the peer with the Peer Node's FQDN, click the Replace Dest Host checkbox.
  16. In the Minimum Connection Capacity text box, enter the minimum number of Connections that must be Available for the Peer to be Available.
  17. In the Maximum Alternate Routing Attempts text box, enter the maximum number of times that a Request can be rerouted to this Peer.
  18. Select from the options in Alternate Routing on Connection Failure to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer when a Connection failure occurs.
  19. Select from the options in Alternate Routing on Answer Timeout to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer, or the same Connection, when an Answer Timeout occurs.
  20. Select from the options in Alternate Routing on Answer Result Code to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer when a Reroute on Answer Result Code occurs.
  21. Select from the options in Message Priority Setting to indicate the source of message priority for request messages arriving on Connections associated with the Peer Node.
  22. If Message Priority Setting is set to User Configured, specify the Message Priority Configuration Set that is used to determine message priority.
  23. Select a Transaction Configuration Set from the list.
    This allows independent grouping of transaction configuration rules for varying use case needs.
  24. Select the Application Route Table for this Peer Node. See Selecting Peer Node Application Route Tables for selection criterion.
  25. Select the Peer Route Table to specify which Peer Routing Rules are used when routing messages from the Peer Node. See Selecting Peer Node Peer Route Tables for selection criterion.
  26. Select the Ingress Routing Option Set to specify which options are used for this ingress Peer Node. See Selecting Peer Node Ingress Routing Option Sets for selection criterion.
  27. A Pending Transaction Timer limits the time DRL waits for an Answer response after forwarding a Request message to an upstream Peer Node. When this time-limit is exceeded, DRL abandons invoke message rerouting. Select the Egress Pending Answer Timer to specify how long diameter waits for a response from the Peer Node. When DRL selects a viable Connection for forwarding a Request message to an upstream Peer Node, it determines which Pending Answer Timer value to use based on the following precedence selection rules, highest to lowest priority. See Selecting Peer Node Egress Pending Answer Timers for selection criterion.
  28. To support an Ingress Answer message on any connection from a Peer Node, click the Answer On Any Connection checkbox (a checkmark appears in the box).
  29. If Ignore Priority from Peer feature is to be provisioned, chick the Ignore Priority From Peer checkbox (a checkmark appears in the box).
  30. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.