Selecting Peer Node Application Route Tables

Use this task to select Peer Node Application Route Tables.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Nodes.
  2. Select the Application Route Table for this Peer Node.
    Select the Application Route Table as per the following precedence selection criterion, highest to lowest priority.
    • This only applies when the Request message was received from a routing application. The ART is provided by the application via an Application-Data stack event parameter if it exists.
    • If the message is a Redirected Request, the ART provided by System Options, and then Redirect Application Route Table is used if it exists. As described here, when the message is a Redirected Request, the DRL selects the configured System Options, and then Redirect Application Route Table. If it is not configured, no ART is searched (ART processing skipped).
    • The ART provided by an Application Routing Rule with an action of Forward to ART if it exists.
    • Otherwise:
      • If Transaction Configuration Set is selected on the ingress Peer Node from which the Diameter Request was received, use Transaction Configuration Set and apply longest/strongest match search criteria for Diameter Request message parameters comparison and if a match is found, the ART assigned to the Transaction Configuration Rule defined under this Transaction Configuration Set is applied if it exists.
      • The ART assigned to the ingress Peer Node from which the Request message was received if it exists.
      • Search Default TCS and apply longest/strongest match. Use ART associated with best match if any is found.
      • Default ART.