2.9.4 Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets

Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets provide a mechanism for managing egress message traffic on a Diameter Connection. You can create an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set with a maximum allowable Egress Message Rate (EMR) and one to three pairs of EMR Threshold Throttles and Abatement Throttles.

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

When the EMR on a connection exceeds a Threshold Throttle value, the EMR congestion level for the connection is raised. When the Egress Message Rate on a connection falls below an Abatement Threshold, the EMR congestion level is lowered. Specifying a Convergence time and Abatement time allows you to control the transitions between EMR congestion levels. The EMR congestion level, along with the Egress Transport congestion level and the Remote Busy congestion level is used to control traffic on a connection.

The options are described in Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Elements. Each connection can reference a single Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.

On the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets to display only the desired Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets.

  • Sort the list by column contents in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. The default order is by Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets [Insert] page, you can add a new Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set and its options. See Adding an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.

    If the maximum number of Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets per Network Element (50) already exist in the system, then the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets [Insert] page does not appear and an error message displays.

  • Select an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Name in the list and click Edit.

    On the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets [Edit] page, you can edit the selected Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set. See Editing an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.

    If at least one connection is in the "Enabled" Admin state that uses the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set, then the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets [Edit] page does not open.

  • Select an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.