Peer Routing Rule Configuration Elements

Table 2-24 describes the fields on the Peer Routing Rules View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data input notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 2-24 Peer Routing Rules Configuration Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Rule Name Unique name of the Peer Routing Rule.

Format: case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: 1 - 32 characters

* Peer Route Table The Peer Route Table to which the peer routing rule belongs View-only
* Priority

Priority of the rule in relation to other rules.

The priority is set from 1 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority).

Format: text box; numeric

Range: 1 - 99

* Conditions

For a diameter message to be matched by a rule, the message must match each specified part of a condition.

Each condition has three parts:
  • Parameter
  • Operator
  • Value


  • Destination-Realm
  • Destination-Host
  • Application-ID
  • Command-Code
  • Origin-Realm
  • Origin-Host
Format: Operator and Value for each Parameter


Sets the relationship between the parameter and the value. For example, if the operator is set to equals then the diameter message parameter must match the set value.

Format: List

Range: For a description of operators, see Peer Routing Rule Operators.


The value in the diameter message the peer routing rule uses to determine a match.

A value is required if the operator is equals, starts with, or ends with.

The value field is disabled for the operators present, absent, and always true.

Format: text box or list

  • Destination-Realm and Origin-Realm: Realm is a case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. An underscore can be used only as the first character. A label can be at most 63 characters long and a realm can be at most 255 characters long. You can specify a substring or a complete string of a valid Realm.
  • Destination-Host and Origin-Host: FQDN is a case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. An underscore can be used only as the first character. A label can be at most 63 characters long and a realm can be at most 255 characters long. You can specify a substring or a complete string of a valid FQDN.
  • Application-ID: available configured Application IDs.
  • Command-Code: available configured Command Codes.
  • Command-Code: list of configured Command Codes, including Extended Command-Code (ECC) immediately after their parent Command-Code.

    Note: An ECC is a Command Code that also takes into account the value of a specific AVP for that Command Code that gives the true command type (for example, CCR-I, CCR-U, and so on).

Range: One or more Parameters with Operator and Value for each Parameter

Default for Application-ID and Command Code: -Select-


The action that happens if the diameter message matches the conditions set in the peer routing rule:

  • Route to Peer routes a message to a peer node using the Route List associated with this rule.
  • Send Answer abandons message routing and sends an answer response containing the required result-code value to associated with this rule.
  • Abandon With No Answer discards the message routing and no answer is sent to the associated peer.

    Note: The answer is sent to any applications that requested an answer receive.

  • Forward To Peer Route Table forwards the message to the specified peer route table.

Format: options

Range: Route to Peer, Send Answer, Abandon With No Answer, or Forward To Peer Route Table

Default: Route to Peer

Route List

Route list associated with this rule.

A route list is required if the action is set to route to peer.

The route list entries on the view page are links to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Route Lists [Filtered] page for the selected entry.

Note: You can only specify route lists whose dynamic attribute is NO to be selected for inclusion in a peer route rule. Also, you cannot include route lists created by the dynamic peer discovery feature cannot be included by any peer route rule instance.

Format: List

Range: configured Route Lists

Default: -Select-

Message Priority The priority to assign to the message. The message priority is assigned only when action is set to route to peer.

Format: List

Range: No Change, 0 - Max (Maximum Normal Request Priority as defined in System Options)

Default: No Change

Message Copy Configuration Set Message Copy Configuration Set (MCCS) used for copying the messages to the DAS. A valid MCCS marks the messages matched by this peer route rule for copy to the DAS.

Format: List

Range: Default; configured Message Copy Configuration Sets

Default: -Select-

Answer Result-Code Value

The answer code associated with this rule.

A diameter answer code is required if the action is set to send Answer.

Format: options

  • List of the available diameter answer codes
  • numeric 4 digit value

    Range: 1000 - 5999

Default: NA

Vendor ID The Vendor ID to place in the vendor ID AVP of the answer message.

Format: numeric

Range: 0 - 4294967295

Answer Error Message Value returned in the Error-Message AVP of the answer message.

Format: text box

Range: 0 - 64 characters

Default: Null string

Target Peer Route Table The table specified in action as forward to peer route table. In the view only screen, the peer route table links to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Route Tables (Filtered) View-only
* Peer Route Table Peer route table associated with this rule. View-only