9.7 S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets

S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets provide information that is used to perform S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding for a Protected Network's PCRFs, as well as the number of PCRFs in the network, when it exchanges messages with Untrusted Networks. A PCRF's identity is embedded in the Origin-Host and Session-ID AVPs sent in Request messages and the Origin-Host AVP sent in Answer messages.

The fields are described in Diameter S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Elements.

Each S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set contains the following information:
  • S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name - Unique name for this Configuration Set.
  • Pseudo Hostname Generation - Attributes to control the format and generation of Pseudo Hostnames corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
    • Count - The maximum number of Pseudo Hostnames associated with an Actual Hostname.
    • Randomize Count - Allows random number of Pseudo Hostnames between 1 and Count to be associated with an Actual Hostname.
    • Auto Generate - Allows Pseudo Hostnames to be automatically generated corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
    • Prefix - Prefix for the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
    • Suffix - Suffix for the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
    • Length - Length of the random number used in the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
  • Hostnames - List of Actual Hostnames and their Pseudo Hostnames in this S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.
  • S9 AF/pCSCF Actual Hostname Not Found Action - Action to be performed when the Orig-Host in the Diameter message is not configured as Actual Hostname in this S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.
  • S9 AF/pCSCF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value - Value to be placed in the Result-Code AVP of the Answer message.
  • S9 AF/pCSCF Actual Hostname Not Found Vendor ID - Vendor ID is placed in Vendor ID AVP.
  • S9 AF/pCSCF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Error Message - String to be placed in the Error-Message AVP of the Answer message.
On the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets to display only the desired S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets.
  • Sort the list by column contents, in ascending or descending order (except Hostname Suffixes), by clicking the column heading. The default order is by S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    You can add a new S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set and its elements. See Adding an S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

    If the maximum number of S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets (500) already exists in the system, then the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets [Insert] page does not open and an error message displays.

  • Select a S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in the list and click Edit.

    You can edit the selected S9 AF/pCSCF Configuration Set. See Editing an S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

  • Select a S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set. See Deleting an S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

    If the selected S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Set is used in a Protected Network, then the Configuration Set is not deleted.