9.6 S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets

S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets provide information that is used to perform S9 PCRF Topology Hiding for a Protected Network's PCRFs, as well as the number of PCRFs in the network, when it exchanges messages with Untrusted Networks. A PCRF's identity is embedded in the Origin-Host and Session-ID AVPs sent in Request messages and the Origin-Host AVP sent in Answer messages.

The fields are described in Diameter S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Elements.

Each S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set contains the following information:
  • S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name - Unique name for this Configuration Set.
  • Pseudo Hostname Generation - Attributes to control the format and generation of Pseudo Hostnames corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
    • Count - The maximum number of Pseudo Hostnames associated with an Actual Hostname.
    • Randomize Count - Allows random number of Pseudo Hostnames between 1 and Count to be associated with an Actual Hostname.
    • Auto Generate - Allows Pseudo Hostnames to be automatically generated corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
    • Prefix - Prefix for the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
    • Suffix - Suffix for the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
    • Length - Length of the random number used in the auto-generated Pseudo Hostname.
  • Hostnames - List of Actual Hostnames and their Pseudo Hostnames in this S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.
  • S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Action - Action to be performed when the Orig-Host in the Diameter message is not configured as Actual Hostname in this S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.
  • S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value - Value to be placed in the Result-Code AVP of the Answer message.
  • S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Vendor ID - Vendor ID is placed in Vendor ID AVP.
  • S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Error Message - String to be placed in the Error-Message AVP of the Answer message.
On the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets to display only the desired S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets.
  • Sort the list by column contents, in ascending or descending order (except Hostname Suffixes), by clicking the column heading. The default order is by S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets [Insert] page, you can add a new S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set and its elements. Adding an S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set describes the fields on the S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets

    If the maximum number of S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets (500) already exists in the system, then the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets [Insert] page does not open and an error message is displayed.

  • Select a S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in the list and click Edit.

    On the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets [Edit] page, you can edit the selected S9 PCRF Configuration Set. See Editing an S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

  • Select a S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set. See Deleting an S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

    If the selected S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set is used in a Protected Network, then the Configuration Set is not deleted.