9.6.1 Diameter S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Elements

Table 9-21 describes the fields on the S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 9-21 S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name A name that uniquely identifies the S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Format: case-sensitive string; alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot start with a digit

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Pseudo Hostname Generation
Attributes to control the format and generation of Pseudo Hostnames corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
  • Count - The maximum number of Pseudo Hostnames associated with an Actual Hostname.
  • Randomize Count - If checked, random number of Pseudo Hostnames between 1 and Count are associated with an Actual Hostname.
  • Auto Generate - If checked, Pseudo Hostnames are automatically generated corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
  • Prefix - Prefix for the auto generated Pseudo Hostname. Prefix is a case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-) and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores may be used only as the first character. Prefix must be at most 63 characters long.
  • Suffix - Suffix for the auto generated Pseudo Hostname. Suffix is case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-) and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores may be used only as the first character. Suffix must be at most 63 characters long.
  • Length - Length of the random number used in the auto generated Pseudo Hostname.
  • Default = 3
  • Range = 1 - 3
Randomize Count:
  • Default = Checked
  • Range = n/a
Auto Generate:
  • Default = Checked
  • Range = n/a
  • Default = n/a
  • Range = A valid Prefix
  • Default = n/a
  • Range = A valid Suffix
  • Default = 4
  • Range = 4 - 5
* Hostnames List of Actual Hostnames and their Pseudo Hostnames in this S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Format: case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-), and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit, or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores can be used only as the first character.

Label - up to 63 characters; S9 PCRF Pseudo Hostname - up to 255 characters.

S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Action Action to be performed when the Orig-Host in the Diameter message is not configured as Actual Hostname in this S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Default: Send Answer

Range: n/a

S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value Value to be placed in the Result-Code AVP of the Answer message. S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value is required if action is Send Answer.

Default: 3002

Range: 1000 - 5999

S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Vendor ID Vendor ID is placed in Vendor ID AVP

Default: n/a

Range: 1 - 4294967295

S9 PCRF Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Error Message String to be placed in the Error-Message AVP of the Answer message

Default: null string, no Error-Message AVP in Answer message

Range: 0 - 64 characters