Data Export elements

Table 2-53 describes the elements on the Administration, and then Remote Servers, and then Data Export, and then Insert/Edit form.

Table 2-53 Data Export Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Task Name Periodic export task name.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is 40 characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, minus sign, and spaces between words. The first character must be an alpha character. The last character must be an alpha character or a number.

Default: APDE Remote Server Copy

Task Description Optional periodic export task description.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is 255 characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, minus sign, underscore, and spaces between words. The first character must be an alpha character. The last character must be an alpha character or a number.

Default: None

Remote Server Name of export server.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is 255 characters. Valid hostname characters are alphanumeric, minus sign, and period. The Hostname must start with an alphanumeric and end with an alphanumeric. The top level domain (TLD) must be alphabetic.

Note: Must be a valid hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address.

Default: None

Username Username used to access the export server.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is 32 characters; alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9).

Default: None

Directory on Export Server Directory path on the export server where the exported data files are to be transferred.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is a 4096-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9), dash, underscore, period, and forward slash. If no directory is specified, the username's home directory on the remote server is used.

Default: None

Path to rsync on Remote Server Optional path to the rsync binary on the export server.

Format: Text box

Range: Maximum length is a 4096-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9), dash, underscore, period, asterisk, and forward slash.

Note: If no path is specified, the rsync-path option is not used.

Files to Transfer Path to the files in the file management area on the local server to be transferred to the remote export server.

Format: Text combobox

Range: Maximum length is a 4096-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9), dash, underscore, period, asterisk, and forward slash.

Default: None

Note: Combo box allows for several predefined options a user can select, or the user can type in a specific path. Path must be a subdirectory of backup/ or export/. If no directory is provided, the default directory is set to export/*.

Upload Frequency Frequency at which the export occurs.

Format: Options

Range: fifteen minutes, hourly, daily, or weekly

Default: weekly

Note: Depending on what upload frequency is selected, some scheduling choices may become inactive and the buttons or lists are grayed out.

Minute Select the minute of each hour when transfer begins. Enabled only if Upload Frequency is hourly or fifteen minutes. For a frequency of fifteen minutes, transfers occur four times per hour, and this field displays the minute of the first transfer in the hour, a value between 0 and 14.

Format: Scrolling list

Range: 0 to 59

Default: 0

Note: The Minute selection is only active if the selected Upload Frequency is either Fifteen Minutes or Hourly.

Time of Day Select the time of day when the data will be written to the export directory. Enabled only if Export Frequency is daily or weekly. Select from 15-minute increments, or fill in a specific value.

Format: Time text box

Range: HH:MM with AM/PM

Default: 12:00 AM

Note: The Time of Day selection is only active if the selected Upload Frequency is either Daily or Weekly. Select from 15-minute increments or fill in a specific value.

Day of Week Select the day of week when the data will be written to the export directory. Enabled only if Export Frequency is weekly..

Format: Options

Range: Sunday through Saturday

Default: Sunday

Note: This field is active only if Weekly is selected.