3.3.3 Server Groups Edit Elements

The Server Groups [Edit] form allows you to edit existing server groups. Table 3-11 describes the elements of the Edit Server Groups page.

Table 3-11 Server Groups Edit Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Server Group Name A unique name used to label the server group.

Format: String

Range: 1-32 characters. Alphanumeric and underscore are allowed. A minimum of one alphabetic character is required and must not start with a digit.

Default: N/A

A Value is required.

Level The level of the servers belonging to this group.

This field cannot be edited.

Format: List

Range: Levels A, B, or C

Note: Level A groups contain NOAMP and Query servers. Level B groups are optional and contain SOAM servers. Level C groups contain MP servers.

A Value is required.

Parent The parent server group that functions as the replication parent of the selected server group.

Format: List

Note: If the level of the group being inserted is A, then the parent field is not editable and NONE is displayed in the list.

Function The defined function for the server group.

This field cannot be edited.

Format: List

Range: Functions supported by the system

WAN Replication Connection Count Specifies the number of TCP connections that are used by replication over any WAN connection associated with this Server Group.

Format: Numeric

Range = An integer between 1 and 8

Default = 1

Prefer Network Element as spare

The Preferred HA Role Setting for the NE.

When marked as a preferred spare, the network element only assumes an active or standby role if all the other network elements are unavailable. This allows the user to isolate a dedicated disaster recovery element from normal operations.

Note: Depending on the application configuration, this selection may not be available.

Format: Checkbox
Server The name of a server available for inclusion in the server group. Automatically populated based on servers available for inclusion.
SG Inclusion When checked, the server is included in the server group. Checkbox
Preferred HA Role

The Preferred HA Role Setting for the server.

When marked as a preferred spare, the server only assumes an active or standby role if all the other servers in the server group are unavailable. This allows the user to isolate a dedicated disaster recovery node from normal operations.

VIP Assignment: VIP Address A virtual IP address shared by the servers in this group that have networking interfaces on the same layer-2 network.

Format: Valid IP address

Range: Four, 8-bit octets separated by periods [The first octet = 1-255; the last three octets = 0-255] Dotted quad decimal (IPv4) or colon hex (IPv6)