Upgrade Elements

Table 2-40 describes the elements on the Upgrade page. This page supports Automated Site Upgrade, as well as Automated Server Group (ASG) and server upgrade.


There can be two tabs on this page (the following tab labels are just examples): NO_SG and SO_SGx. The elements in Table 2-40 list all elements on both tabs. Only tabs with servers after filtering is applied are displayed. The SOAM server groups indicate which sites are eligible for site upgrade. Entire Site is only available on the SO_SGx tab.
The grid reflects the following rules:
  • One row of tabs or two rows of tabs is displayed, depending on the selected server group.
  • The top (or only) row is always the OAM server groups (NO and SO). Multiple NO and SO server group tabs can exist in the top row.
  • The second row displays when an SO group is selected, and it contains an Entire Site tab, plus a tab for each SO and MP server group in the SO group's administrative domain. An administrative domain is a server group and its replication children SGs, which all share a topological relationship regardless of geographic location.
  • When the Entire Site tab is selected, the grid displays rows of server groups.
  • The single row of tabs that is initially displayed shows the NOAMP server groups followed by the SOAM server groups. The SOAM server groups indicate sites that are eligible for site upgrade.
  • When a SG tab is selected, the grid displays rows of servers (as with ASG).
  • If filtering has been applied, the Entire Site tab only displays when the result set for the site contains more than one server group.


The NO server group is not eligible for Automated Site Upgrade. When you select a SO server group from Entire Site on the SO_SGx tab., you can perform Site Upgrade on all servers in the SO's administrative domain.

Table 2-40 Upgrade Elements

Element Description
Hostname Lists the Hostname of the server.
Upgrade State

Displays the state that allows for graceful upgrade of server without degradation of service. Based on HA Status and Application State.

Available states are:

  • Backup Needed
  • Backup in Progress
  • Ready
  • Pending
  • Upgrading
  • Accept or Reject
  • Failed
  • Backout Ready
Server Status Overall server status. Selecting the link displays the full Server Status report for the server.
OAM HA Role The OAM HA role for this server. See HA Status Elements for more information.
Appl HA Role The application HA role for the server.
Server Role Role of this server in the system. Role is configured on the Configuration, and then Server page.
Network Element Lists the Network Element to which the server belongs.
Function Function of this server in the system. NOAMP and SOAM function are assigned on the Configuration, and then Server page. For message processors, function is assigned on the related configuration page.
Upgrade Method (Entire Site) The method to be used for this server group's upgrade. Methods are associated with SG functions by the application.
Server Upgrade States (Entire Site) A list of the number of servers in each state in the server group, for example, Ready (1/2), Upgrading (1/2).
Server Application Versions (Entire Site) A list of the number of servers in each state in the server group, for example, 7.2.0_72.41.8 (1/2), 7.2.0_72.41.9 (1/2).
Application Version Application version currently installed and running on each server.
Upgrade ISO The ISO used for the upgrade.
Start Time The time upgrade started.
Status Message The current upgrade status message.
Finish Time The time upgrade finished.
Entire site
  • When the Entire Site tab is selected, some buttons are disabled because they only apply to selected server row(s), not selected SG row(s). These include Backup and Checkup. These are available when you are in an SG tab (using AW 6.0 ASG).
  • On the Entire Site tab, Accept is replaced with Site Accept. This allows you to accept all upgrades in the site by Server Group, much like Backup All and Checkup All.
  • When the Entire Site tab is selected, Auto Upgrade is changed to Site Upgrade. Clicking Site Upgrade generates a report of the planned upgrade order for all the servers in the site. You can then select an ISO and initiate the upgrade. If the site upgrade is already in progress, the form shows the status of each SG and each server.

Note: If filtering has been applied, the Entire Site tab only displays when the result set for the site contains more than one server group.

Backup Initiates backups on a server and server group basis based on the active server group tab.
Backup All Initiates backups on a network element basis.
Checkup Initiates upgrade health checks on a server and server group basis based on the active server group tab. This is enabled for all server group tabs. This is disabled on the active Entire Site tab.
Checkup All Initiates upgrade health checks on a network element basis.
Upgrade Server Enabled when one or more rows within the active server group tab are selected and the server is in the Ready state.
Upgrade Server or Auto Upgrade from the NO_SG tab

Initiates a server upgrade on servers with the action of upgrade. The form also allows the user to restart site upgrade on a partially upgraded site.

Note: Upgrade is initiated according to the auto-upgrade policy on servers with an action of Auto Upgrade.

Site Upgrade or Upgrade Server Group from the Entire Site tab Initiates a site upgrade. The form also allows the user to restart site upgrade on a partially upgraded site.
Site Upgrade Moves to a form displaying the planned upgrade order for all the servers in the site. You can then select an ISO and initiate the upgrade. If the site upgrade is already in progress, the form shows the status of each SG and each server.
Site Accept Initiates site accepts on a server group basis. This form is available only from the Entire Site tab, and it applies to servers in the current site only.
Auto Upgrade Initiates the upgrade. Two upgrade modes are available; when no servers are selected, the button reflects Auto Upgrade and initiates a server group automated upgrade based on the active server group tab. When one or more servers are selected, the button toggles to Upgrade Server and initiates an upgrade only on the selected server(s).
Accept Accept upgrade on the selected server(s) in the active server group tab.

Generates a server report. Two report options are available; when no servers are selected, a report is generated for all servers in the server group. When one or more servers are selected, a report is generated only for the selected servers.

When the Entire Site tab is displayed, the report contains information about the currently selected site. The report begins with the overall site upgrade status. If a site upgrade is in progress, the start time and running time are included. After this, the report includes the server groups in their upgrade sets (which shows the order of the site upgrade, whether in progress or planned). Each server group's upgrade method is also shown. The report also lists each server and its current status (Backup Needed, Ready, Upgrading, Failed, and so on) and its software version.

Report All

Generates a report for all servers in all server groups.

When the Entire Site tab is displayed, this report shows all ongoing site upgrades in the topology (in case multiple sites are being upgraded simultaneously).