4.17.1 View Trap Log Elements

Table 4-8 describes the elements on the View Trap Log page.

Table 4-8 View Trap Log Elements

Element Description
Timestamp The timestamp (in UTC) when the trap record was collected on the current system.
OID The Object Identifier (OID) for the trap.
upTime The uptime as reported by the monitored external equipment.
Trap Collector The name of the server that first logged the trap.
Trap Source The external hostname (or IP, if name cannot be resolved) for the trap source.

The OID/value pairs found in the varbind list.

Note: Only the first few OID/value pairs display. A link to the report for the record is added if the varbind list is truncated.

Acknowledge All

When Acknowledge All is clicked, up to 2000 traps selected by the filter are cleared. Acknowledged traps are removed from both the trap count indicator and the View Trap Log page.

Note: Acknowledge All is the default setting for this button. When one or more traps are selected, the button toggles to Acknowledge, and only the selected traps are affected.

Unacknowledge All

When Unacknowledge All is clicked, all previously acknowledged traps selected by the filter reappear on the page. Unacknowledged traps are added to the trap count indicator.

Note: Unacknowledge All is the default setting for this button. When one or more traps are selected, the button toggles to Unacknowledge, and only the selected traps are affected.

Report All

When Report All is clicked, a report is generated that contains information about the first 25 traps selected by the filter.

Note: Report All is the default setting for this button. When one or more traps are selected, the button toggles to Report, and only the selected traps are included in the report.

Show: Ack'ed

Selection of this checkbox shows (if checked) or hides (if unchecked) the acknowledged trap records.

Note: This checkbox is a filter option that is only available on the View Trap Log page.