4.17.3 View Trap Log Report Elements

Table 4-9 describes the elements on the View Trap Log Report page.

Table 4-9 View Trap Log Report Elements

Element Description

Indicates whether the trap has been acknowledged.

Value = True or False


Indicates whether the trap has been marked as a duplicate.

Value = True or False

trapId The trap ID is an internal sequence number to identify specific traps from the same source.
OID The Object Identifier (OID) for the trap.
upTime The upTime as reported by the monitored external equipment.
srcNode The name of the server that first logged the trap.
networkElement The Network Element of the server that first logged the trap.

The timestamp (in UTC) when the trap record was collected on the current system.

Note: This is the timestamp used when specifying the collection interval.

srcTimeStamp The time (in UTC) when the specific trap record was received at the system that first logged the trap.
Trap Source The external hostname (or IP, if name cannot be resolved) for the trap source.
trapSourceIP The IP address of the external hardware being monitored.
varbind The specific OID/value pairs found in the varbind list. There is a varbind entry for each varbind in the logged trap record.