Configuring Approval Transactions

Use the Configure Transactions page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a notification, who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to work with the approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions.

Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location. Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications. For more information about Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer.

Page Name

Definition Name


Configure Transactions Page


Use the Configuration Transactions page to configure how the system uses the particular implementation of approval triggers.

Use the Configure Transactions page (EOAW_TXN_NOTIFY) to configure how the system uses the particular implementation of approval triggers.


Enterprise Components > Approvals > Approvals > Approval Setup

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Transactions page.

Configure Transactions page (1 of 2)

Use this page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a notification, who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to work with the approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions. The events for which the system sends notifications include:

  • Launch of the approval process on a transaction.

  • Queue of approval step to an approver.

  • Queue of a review step to a reviewer.

  • Denial of a line or header.

  • Approval of a line or header.

  • Completion of the approval process.

Recipients of notifications include requesters, approvers, and reviewers, who can receive their notifications through either worklist entries or email notification. When using email notifications, business analysts must create email templates.

Ad Hoc Approver Options

Field or Control


Approver User Info View

Provides details about which view a user sees when using the Approval Monitor.

Note: Data in this view dictates what is displayed in the approver links.

Ad Hoc User List

This is a filter used to display only a list of users who can be ad hoc approvers.

Notification Options

This section appears when the Use Email Approvals check box is selected for the Process ID on the Register Transactions page.

Field or Control


Send Email Approvals to All

Select to send emails to all the approvers. If you deselect this check box, enter a value in the Email Approval User List field to have the email sent to those defined on a list. This check box is selected by default.

See Understanding HTML Email Approvals.

Note: All transactions are delivered with Use Email Approvals deselected.

Delivery Method

Define whether you wish the users to receive their email approvals as text within the email, or as attachments. For email approvals, select the Inline - HTML Links option. The Inline - HTML Links value is provided by default.

Perform Sent-To Security Check

Deselect this check box when using email approvals. With this option deselected, the system will allow the approver to forward the email to other parties other than the intended approver.

Select this check box to inform the system that you want it to verify the security of the person to whom the notification is sent and disallow forwarding of the email to other parties other than the intended approver.

This check box is deselected by default.

HTML Emails

This section is available only for transactions that use HTML email approvals.

Field or Control


Data Source

Lists the header and support records that the email template uses to display the transaction data.

Email Processing Package and Email Processing Class

Displays the application class used to modify the transaction data and email HTML prior to sending the email.

Allowed Actions

Select the action links that should be available to the approver(s) within the approval request email.

These actions are delivered as selected for most online approvals:

  • Approve

  • Deny

  • Pushback (for selected transactions)

Edit Template

Click this button to access the Configure Transactions - Edit Template Page to modify the delivered transaction template.

User Utilities

User Utilities are the mechanism that the user changes to modify the behavior of delegation and reassignment.

Field or Control


User Utilities Package

Select the parent application class through which alternate users are selected.

User Utilities Path

Select a path that uses a specific class within the root package.


Use the events section to define event parameters to trigger workflow notification.

Field or Control



Select Header or Line to determine the level at which you want a notification sent for an event. For each of these events to be notified, you must select the level of the transaction.


Select the event for which you want to send a notification. Participants will be notified when the selected event is triggered.

Event values include:

Ad Hoc Delete: Send a notification when a step is removed from the approval process through the status monitor.

Ad Hoc Insert: Send a notification when a step is added to the approval process through the status monitor.

Hold Step: Send a notification when a thread is placed on hold.

Locked Out: Send a notification when the application workflow engine (AWE) encounters a user whose account has been locked out.

No Approver Necessary: Send a notification when a thread does not route because no approval is necessary.

On Cancel: Send a notification when a thread is cancelled.

On Error: Send a notification when a thread encounters a routing error.

On Escalate: Send a notification when a thread is escalated through the NEM process.

On Final Approval: Send a notification when a thread is approved and there are no more steps to process.

On Final Denial: Send a notification when a thread is denied and there are no more steps to process.

On Process Launch: Send a notification when an approval process is submitted.

On Reactivate: Send a notification when a step is reactivated for a thread. It is now recommended to not to use this value.

On Reassign: Send a notification when a thread is reassigned to a new approver. With an On Reassign event notification, AWE will create new worklist for the approvers that are reassigned to the transaction. For an On Reassign event, you can only configure an Approvers notification.

On Step Complete: Send a notification when a step no long has pending threads.

On Terminate: Send a notification when a thread is terminated.

Processing Complete: Send a notification when an approval process is complete. It is now recommended to not to use this value.

Push Back: Send a notification when a thread is pushed back from one step to the prior step.

Request Information: Send a notification when the Request Information action is called by the application.

Request Information Added: Send a notification when a comment is added for a thread and that thread has been placed on hold.

Route for Approval: Send a notification when a thread is routed to an approver.

Route for Review: Send a notification when a thread is routed to a reviewer.

Note: The Lock Out, On Process Launch, and Processing Complete events are for header level only.

Menu Name

Select the menu name that contains the component you want the notification recipient to link to. This identifies where the person should go upon notification. If you do not enter values, the recipient is sent to the same menu and component that is defined for the Worklist Approval component.

Note: This field is not visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information on Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

Approval Component

Select the component you want to make available to the notification recipient.

Note: This field is not visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information on Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

Page Name

The page defined is the page approvers are redirected to from the URL sent within the email notification.

Note: This field is not visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information on Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

Menu Action

This is the action of the page users see when directed to the page from the URL sent within the email notification.

Note: This field is not visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information on Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

SQL Object Identifier (structured query language object identifier)

Select the SQL definition identifier you want to use to get content for the email. The SQL must accept bind inputs equal to the number of keys at the notification level. For example, header or line keys.


Use Notifications Section to define whom to notify and how the notification message should be composed.

Main Tab


Template Details Tab

Notification Template

Push Notification Tab

Push Notification

Frequency Tab

Notification Frequency

Field or Control



Define the user who is notified when this event takes place.

  • A-Delegate: the approver that the approval was originally assigned to.

  • A-Proxy: the approver who performed the actual approval.

  • Admin

  • Approvers

  • Dynamic: uses the user list defined on the Time Out Options page.

  • External

  • R-Delegate: the person who created the request for someone else.

  • R-Proxy: the person who requested the transaction to be created.

  • Requester

  • Reviewers

  • User List: uses the user list defined on the User List Definition Page.

Note: If both R-Proxy and Requester are configured, only R-Proxy will get notifications. Similarly, if A-Proxy and Approvers are configured, then only A-Proxy will get notifications.


Select this check box to include the worklist along wth the notification.

Notification Name

Enter the required notification name. The prompt displays only the AWE Notification names.

Note: The notification name defined in the event level overrides the PeopleTools notification name given in the approval transaction level.

Note: This field is not visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information on Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

Notification Event

Enter the AWE notification event, which is defined in Notification Composer.

Note: This field is only visible when you adopt the Notification Composer feature. For more information about Notification Composer, see Understanding Notification Composer

Template Name

Select the generic template you want to use for the email content of this notification. You define the contents of the email using the Generic Template page.

See Generic Template Definition Page.

Menu Name, Approval Comment, Page Name, Menu Action, and SQL Object Identifier

All of these fields have the same definition as the corresponding fields in the Events section of this page.

Number of Hours

Enter a number that determines how many hours between notifications.

Message Set, Message Number, SQL Object Identifier, and Exclude URL

Enter the message set, Message number and the SQL Object Identifier for the notification. SQL Object Identifier has the same definition as in the Events section of this page.

Note: Message Set and Message Number cannot be empty if the Push Notification channel is selected. If Exclude URL is selected, the component approval URL will not be attached to the push notification.

Number of Hours

Enter a number that determines the maximum waiting time for the notification. If the approver does not take action, an escalation is sent to the person defined by the Participant value.

Individual transactions determine their own timeout periods. For instance, the JobOpening transaction might time out after 2 hours, but the JobOffer transaction may time out after 1 hour.

Max Notification (maximum notification)

Enter a number that determines the maximum number of notifications sent. If the approver does not take action, an escalation is sent to the person defined by the Participant value.