(Classic) Searching and Comparing Profiles

Note: This feature has been replaced by the Search and Compare functionality in Fluid. For more information, see (Fluid) Searching and Comparing Profiles.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search for Profiles Page


Lists the search types that are available to the employee or manager. Searches are defined on the Search Configuration page. Employees or managers select the search that they want to run by clicking the search name link.

Search and Compare Profiles - Select a Profile Page


This page is displayed if an employee or manager selects a search that has a source profile type with profile usage of End/Final/Job (non-person profile). The page displays the default source profile type that is defined for the search. Employees and managers use this page to search for, and select, the profile that they want to use as the source profile.

My Job Profiles - Select Profile Page


Lists the profiles that are associated with the employee's job. Employees select the job profile that they want to use in the search and compare.

This page is only displayed if there are two or more active job profiles related to the employee. If there is only one active job profile, this page is not displayed. The system determines which job profiles are related to an employee by searching the employee's job data record. If the employee has multiple jobs, the system checks all the person's active jobs for matching profiles.

Search and Compare Profiles Page


This page is available when a manager selects a search that populates criteria from a team member's profile. Displays the instructions for the transaction and the effective date field. Managers can change the default effective date.

Search and Compare Profiles - Select Employees to Process Page


Displays a list of the people who report to the manager. Managers select the person to use in the search and click Continue.

Search Criteria Page


Displays the search criteria for the search that the employee or manager selected on the Search for Profiles page. If the search selected has a criteria rule of Default, No Display the system runs the search without displaying this page; for this type of search employees and managers can view the search criteria after running the search by selecting the Modify Search Criteria link on the Search Results page.

Employees and managers use this page to view and modify the search criteria before running the search. They also use this page after running a search to modify the search criteria and rerun a search. When the employee or manager clicks the Search button, the system runs the search using the criteria defined on the page.

Search Results Page


Displays the results of the search. The page lists the profiles that best match the search criteria. The value in the score column indicates how well the profile matches the criteria. The system lists the matching profiles according to their score, the highest score listed first and then in descending order of score.

Match Result Page


Displays a comparison of the search criteria and the selected profiles. The left hand column lists each search criterion. The remaining columns list the percentage scores for each profile that indicate how well the profile matches that criterion.

Add to Interest List - Confirmation Page


Displays the profiles that have been added to the employee's interest list.

Note: The JPM Person Profile (HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE) search index supports real time indexing (RTI) with PeopleTools version 8.59.10 or higher. When enabled, RTI allows real-time updates to the indexed data to provide job search using the latest information.

For more information about Real Time Indexing, refer to PeopleTools Search Technology, “Administering Real Time Indexing."

Employees and managers use the Search and Compare Profiles component to search for profiles that match certain search criteria. When employees and managers select this option, the system lists the search types that are defined for their role. Search types are configured on the Define Search Configuration page for the profile types that you have defined. (In the classic pages navigate to Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Define Search Configuration..) For further information about setting up Search and Compare Profiles, see Understanding Setting Up Search and Compare Profiles.

Depending on how the search is configured, employees and managers can set up or modify the search criteria before running the search. The system assigns matching profiles a score that indicates how well the profile matches the search criteria. For further information about how the system calculates the scores, see Understanding Search and Compare Profile Scores Using the Classic Pages.

The Search Results page lists the matching profiles in descending score order, with the highest scoring profile listed first. Employees and managers can compare profiles listed on the Search Results page with the search criteria either by clicking the score link for a profile or using the Compare Profiles button to compare more than one profile. The comparison provides a list of each item in the search criteria with the score for the matching profile.