Assigning PeopleTools Roles to Recruiting Role Types

To set up recruiting roles, use the Recruiting Recruiter Roles (HRS_ROLE_DEFN) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Recruiting Roles Page


Associate PeopleTools roles with recruiting role types and choose whether to apply enhanced applicant security to the recruiting role type.

Use the Recruiting Roles page (HRS_ROLE_DEFN) to associate PeopleTools roles with recruiting role types and to choose whether to apply enhanced applicant security to the recruiting role type.


Set Up HCM > Recruiting > Recruiting Roles

This example illustrates the Recruiting Roles page.

Recruiting Roles page

Field or Control


Recruiting Role Type

The system identifies recruiting users through the use of recruiting role types.

The seven delivered recruiting role types are Recruitment Administrator, Federal Recruiter, Hiring Manager, RS Approval Administrator (recruiting solutions approval administrator), RS Technical Administrator (recruiting solutions technical administrator), Recruiter, and Recruiting User.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with any of the recruiting role types have cloning privileges

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with the Hiring Manager recruiting role type can be added to a job opening as a hiring manager.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with the Recruiter recruiting role type can be added to a job opening as a recruiter.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with the Recruitment Administrator recruiting role type have additional privileges.

See Recruiting Privileges Granted Through Recruiting Role Types.

Restrict Applicant Access

Select this check box to activate enhanced applicant security for the recruiting role type. With this setting:

  • The only job openings that a user can view or access are those where the user is the creator or a member of the hiring team.

    This differs from standard security in that users do not gain access to job openings through the department security tree.

  • The only applicants that a user can view or access are those who applied for job openings to which the user has access and those who applied without a job opening.

    This differs from standard security, which does not limit access to applicants.

See Understanding Enhanced Applicant Security.

This check box is not available for the Recruitment Administrator recruiting role type. Recruiting administrators always have full access to all job openings and applicants.

Users are subject to enhanced applicant security only if this check box is selected for all of the user’s recruiting role types. In other words, the system uses the least restrictive applicant security setting.


Select the PeopleTools roles to associate with the recruiting role type.