Searching for Job Postings

This topic discusses how recruiters can search for job postings. (For information about applicant-facing posting searches, refer to the documentation for PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway.)

Note: You must deploy and build the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search index before you can use the Search Job Postings page. For information about working with search indexes, see Understanding Recruiting Search Indexes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Job Postings Page


Search for job postings.

View Job Posting Page


View job posting details.

Use the Search Job Postings page (HRS_REC_SCHJOB) to search for job postings.


Recruiting > Postings > Search Postings

This example illustrates the Quick Search tab on the Search Postings page.

Search Job Postings page: Quick Search tab

This example illustrates the Advanced Search tab on the Search Postings page.

Search Job Postings page: Advanced Search tab


Field or Control


Recruiting Home

Click to access the Recruiting Home Page.

Manage Job Postings

Click to access the Manage External Postings Page.

Quick Search Tab: Search Criteria

Field or Control


Search For

Enter search keywords. The system looks for the keywords in the job posting title and the job posting description.

Posted Within

Select a value to restrict the search to jobs that were posted within the specified time period. Values include:

  • Anytime

  • Last Week

  • Last Month

  • Last Three Months

  • Last Year

Advanced Search Tab: Search Criteria

Field or Control



Enter search keywords. The system looks for the keywords across all indexed field, including the posting title, posting description, location, company, business unit, and so forth.

Posting Type

Select a posting type: Contingent Workforce, External Posting, Internal Posting, Labor Office, or Recruitment.

When jobs are posted, each posting destination is associated with one of these posting types.

Job Family

Select a job family.

Posted Within

Select a value to restrict the search to jobs that were posted within the specified time period. Values include:

  • Anytime

  • Last Week

  • Last Month

  • Last Three Months

  • Last Year

Recruiting Location

Select a recruiting location to use as search criteria.


Select a country to use as search criteria.

Full/Part Time

Select either full-time or part-time as search criteria.


Select either regular or temporary as search criteria.

Desired Annual Pay

Enter the desired annual salary by entering an amount and a currency code. The search returns job postings where the desired amount is within the range specified for the job opening.

Search Results

Note: The search results can include multiple postings for a single job opening. For example, if a job opening is posted both internally and externally, and you do not restrict the search to one posting type, the search results can include both the internal and external posting.

Field or Control


Posting Title

Click link to access the View Job Posting Details page.

Job Opening ID

Click link to access the Job Opening page.

Posting Type

Displays the posting type.

Recruiting Location

Displays the primary recruiting location for the job opening.

Hiring Manager

Displays the primary hiring manager for the job opening.

Use the View Job Posting page (HRS_REC_JBPST) to view job posting details.


Click the job posting title link in the search results on the Search Postings page.

This example illustrates the View Job Posting page.

View Job Posting page

The following links appear at the bottom of the page:

Posting Information

Field or Control


Job Opening ID

Click to access the job opening on the Manage Job Opening Page

Navigation Links

Field or Control


Manage Job Postings

Click to access the Manage External Postings page.

Previous Job Posting and Next Job Posting

Use these links to navigate to additional posting descriptions from your search results.

Job Posting List

Click to return to your search results on the Search Job Postings page.