Scheduling Deductions Using Generation Control

The HEALTH FUND deduction element has a generation control, LVE GC BIGGER SEG, which uses formula LVE FM BIGGER SEG.

One leave-in-advance payment option enables you to advance only the leave pay within a pay period and pay the regular pay in its normal period. When this occurs, the system determines which is the longer period—leave or regular—and applies the deduction to the longer period. The formula returns True if the leave period is longer, and the generation control takes the deduction from the leave pay that is advanced.

The same formula ensures that the deduction is taken when there is period segmentation due to hire or termination.

When segmentation is due to something other than hire or termination, the deduction is taken in either:

  • The longer of two segments.

  • The segment in which the period midpoint occurs, when there are more than two segments.

The UNION, LOANDED, and TRANS REC deduction elements also have generation controls. Their formulas check that the deduction has not reached a period limit or goal amount. In the case of TRANS REC, the formula verifies that the payee is still active.

The LOAN REPAY deduction element's generation control formula also checks that the payee is still active. If the payee is not active, the deduction element applies and the Amount formula, TER FM LOAN REPAY, retrieves the loan balance. The TRANS ADV and LOAN REPAY deduction elements interact through their generation control formulas. If the payee is terminated, TRANS ADV isn't resolved but LOAN REPAY is.

The INSURANCE deduction element demonstrates the use of a generation control to ensure that the deduction is taken only in the first pay period, irrespective of the pay frequency. The deduction's calculation rule is Base × Percent, where:

Base = Accumulator AUS GROSS

Percent = 5.00

The AUS GC PERIOD1 generation control is one of seven generation controls that are discussed in the topics on defining earnings.