Understanding Vacation Setup

This section provides an overview of vacation setup and discusses:

  • Core application setup.

  • Global Payroll for Brazil setup.

Vacation pay setup for Brazil is a subset of absence setup in general, because every absence—whether for vacation, sickness, or other cause—depends on the definition of absence take and entitlement elements and other absence data in the Global Payroll core application.

In addition to general absence setup, you must define other vacation parameters, such as events per entitlement period, entitled days, and days per take, that define vacation business rules and enable you to integrate Brazilian vacations with core absences.

To prepare Global Payroll for Brazil for absence processing, you must use core application pages to complete the following setup steps:

  1. Define work schedules and assign a schedule to each payee.

  2. Define holiday schedules.

  3. Modify the delivered absence take and absence entitlement elements, and create new absence elements, as needed.

    Note: Global Payroll for Brazil delivers sample values for many of these elements. You may want to replace at least some of these values with data that is specific to your organization.

    See Entering Vacation Data and Updating Entitlement.

  4. Assign absence elements to payees and process lists.

    As with all primary elements, you must assign absence entitlement and take elements to payees and include the elements in the process lists that you use when you run the absence processes. This step is not necessary for per-absence entitlement elements.

    Global Payroll for Brazil delivers predefined sections and process lists for absence processing. Use them, modify them, or create your own.

In addition to the generic, core application setup steps required for absences, the setup of Brazilian vacation pay involves the following, additional steps using the Vacation Parameters BRA page in Global Payroll for Brazil:

  • Define all company policies and legal requirements that are related to vacations using parameters.

    Parameters include such information as the number of vacation days an employee can take per entitlement period, the maximum and minimum number of days of vacation that can be taken per leave, and the age above and below which vacations cannot be split into multiple periods.

  • Identify the specific take and entitlement elements for which you are defining parameters.

    These are the same elements that you will later use to enter and maintain vacation takes on the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched (vacation acquisition period-schedule) page. The only absences that you can enter and maintain on the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page are vacation-type absences; takes for other kinds of absences must be entered on the Absence Entry page for Brazil or on the Absence Event Entry page in the core application.

    Note: If you do not specify take and related entitlement elements on the Vacation Parameters BRA page, you cannot enter vacation time by using these elements on the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page.

Note: You must also upload vacation entitlement periods history during implementation. Global Payroll for Brazil does not deliver a process to perform this upload.

This section discusses only the Brazil specific steps required to set up vacation leave; the documentation of generic procedures for defining absence elements can be found in yourPeopleSoft HCM: Global Payroll product documentation.

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Brazil. Instructions for running the query are provided in the Understanding How to View Delivered Elements topic.