Defining Rates for Accidents at Work

This section provides an overview of work accident rates and discusses how to define work accident rates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Establishment Address Page


Define risk codes, AT sections, and corresponding rates.

Department Profile Page


Define the risk code and AT section for an establishment.

Supporting Elements Page


  • Enter the risk code that applies to a payee in the variable URS VR CODE RISK E.

  • Enter the correct AT section for a payee in the variable URS VR AT SEC E.

Override the standard risk code and AT section on the Supporting Elements page only if the standard work accident risk doesn't reflect the payee's true risk.

The work accident (AT) contribution is based on the URSSAF funding base and is calculated using a rate corresponding to the amount of risk in the workplace.

To define the risk on which this contribution is based:

  1. (Required) For each establishment defined in PeopleSoft HR, specify risk codes, AT sections, and associated contribution rates.

    Do this on the Establishment Address page.

    Note that there can be multiple risk codes for the same establishment, and that a single risk code can be associated with multiple AT sections, each linked to a different AT contribution rate. For example, you could define the contribution rates for different levels of risk as follows:

    Risk Code

    AT Section

    AT Rate













    Note: This example shows that within an establishment there can be different risk codes, and that the same risk code can have multiple AT sections corresponding to the different levels of risk within the organization. In other words, different departments or "sections" within a single establishment may pay different rates if the level of risk varies from department to department.

  2. (Optional) For each department within an establishment, select the appropriate risk code and AT section from the list of valid values defined on the Establishment Address page in step 1.

    Do this on the Department Profile page.

    Define risk codes and AT sections at the department level if there are multiple risk codes and AT sections, or a singe risk code with more than one AT section, specified on the Establishment Address page, and you want the system to use the contribution rate associated with one of these risk codes/sections to process payees in a specific department.

  3. (Optional) Override the standard risk code and AT section at the payee level.

    If a payee is associated with a department, but the standard work accident risk doesn't reflect the payee's true risk, you can override the standard risk at the payee level. To do this, enter the risk code that applies to the payee in the variable URS VR CODE RISK E, and enter the correct AT section in the variable URS VR AT SEC E. Enter these override values using the Create Overrides–Supporting Elements (GP_PAYEE_SOVR) component.

    Note: You must specify a value for the risk code variable (URS VR CODE RISK E) to create a payee level override. You do not need to specify a value for the AT section variable (URS VR AT SEC E); however, if there are multiple AT sections associated with the same risk code, and you want to control which of these to apply to a payee, you should specify the AT section. If you override only the AT section variable (URS VR AT SEC E) and not the risk code variable (URS VR CODE RISK E), the system issues an error message.

Examples: Understanding Risk Logic

Depending on the level at which you specify risk data in the system as well as the complexity of the data, the system follows the path described here to determine the correct contribution rate for a given payee:

  • The system first checks to see whether the risk code is specified at the payee level (using the variable URS VR CODE RISK E). If so, the system retrieves the AT section linked to this risk code on the Establishment Address page, and then uses the contribution rate associated with this AT section. If there are multiple AT sections linked to the same payee-level risk code, the system selects the AT section with the lowest number for the specified risk code and applies the associated contribution rate to the payee.

    Note: This example assumes that only the risk code is specified at the payee level. If both the risk code and the AT section are specified, the system does not need to search for the section with the lowest number as described here, but instead simply selects the rate associated with the specified section.

  • If there is no risk code specified at the payee level, the system checks to see whether the risk code and AT section are defined at the department level. If this is the case, the system retrieves the contribution rate associated with this risk code and AT section on the Establishment Address page, and applies it to the payee.

    Note: You can specify a risk code at the department level without entering an AT section. If you do this, the system retrieves the AT section linked to this risk code on the Establishment Address page, and then uses the contribution rate associated with this AT section. However, if there are multiple AT sections linked to the same risk code, the system selects the AT section with the lowest number for the specified risk code and applies the associated contribution rate to the payee.

  • If there is no risk code or AT section defined at either the payee level or the department level, the correct AT rates are retrieved in two steps:

    1. First, the system selects the risk code entered in the first row on the Establishment Address page and applies it to any payee linked to that establishment on the JOB table.

    2. If the risk code in this row has only one associated AT section, the system automatically applies the AT rate associated with this section to the payee.

    3. However, if there are multiple AT sections for the risk code selected in step 1, the system selects the AT section with the lowest number and applies the AT rate for that section to any payee linked to the establishment on the JOB table.

      For example, consider a case in which the following risk codes and AT sections are defined at the establishment level:

      Row Number

      Risk Code

      AT Section

      AT Rate

















      In this example, there is no risk data defined at either the payee or the department level. To determine the correct AT rate to apply to a payee, the system takes the first risk code in row 1 on the Establishment Address page, which is 724CA. There are two AT sections associated with this risk code—01 and 02. The system selects AT section 01, because it has the lowest number. This section is associated with an AT rate of 1.5. This means that for any payee in the establishment for which these rates are defined, the system applies a rate of 1.5.

Note: When you define risk codes, the risk code in row #1 on the Establishment Address page should contain the most current AT rate that applies without overrides. This is because the risk code in this row contains the rate that applies by default when the risk is not defined at lower levels (department level or payee level).