Loans and Garnishments

By law, loans and garnishments cannot be recalculated during retroactive processing.

Global Payroll defines loan elements with the Retro Recalculation option set to Do Not Recalculate. However, because loans are triggered by positive input, and positive input overrides the Retro Recalculation option, you should be careful not to enter new loan data in a closed period.

By contrast, Global Payroll defines garnishment elements with the Retro Recalculation option set to Always Recalculate. This can lead to situations in which garnishments are reprocessed in a prior period. For example, if there is retroactivity and a retro mismatch occurs, the system tries to recalculate all elements, including garnishments. To prevent this from happening, Global Payroll for France uses the array RTO AR RESULT PAIE to retrieve the original value of the garnishments in the payroll result tables whenever there is retroactive processing.

Note: The earnings/deductions for which the array RTO AR RESULT PAIE retrieves previously calculated values are those with a Category of RTO (Retro Element Retrieved in Array). If you want to use this array to prevent the recalculation of an earning/deduction that you have defined yourself, you should assign the earning/deduction to the same category.

See Retroactivity Calculations.