Understanding Earning and Deduction Elements

This topic discusses:

  • Earnings and deductions.

  • Calculation rules and components.

  • Automatically generated accumulators.

  • Frequency and generation control calculations.

  • Retroactivity calculations.

  • Pre process and post-process formulas.

  • Proration and rounding processing.

  • Earning and deduction assignments (by element and by payee).

  • Multiple resolutions.

  • Element categories

Earnings and deductions are not hard-coded in Global Payroll; instead, you create your own earning and deduction rules online. The steps for defining earnings and deductions are essentially the same; however, with deductions you must specify how to handle arrears processing and banking information.

When you create an earning or deduction element, you define its calculation rule, such as Unit x Rate or Unit x Rate x Percent. When you save the element definition, the system automatically creates the following components based on the selected calculation rule and element type:

  • Unit, Rate, Base, and Percent components, based on the calculation rule.

  • Payback Amount, Amount Not Taken, and Add to Arrears components for deduction elements only.

  • Arrears Balance accumulator for deduction elements only.

The system gives the automatically generated components the same name as the earning or deduction element plus a suffix. For example, if you create the earning element EARN1 = Unit × Rate, the system automatically generates two component elements named EARN1_UNIT and EARN1_RATE. The language of the suffix names are determined by the country that you specify for the earning or deduction element on the Element Name page.

Note: Names of earning and deduction elements are limited to 12 characters because of suffixes. Other element names can have as many as 18 characters.

Components take on the attributes of the earning or deduction element. If you change the attributes of the earning or deduction element, the component attributes also change. To continue with the previous example, if you change the name of the EARN1 earning element to REGULAR, the system changes the component names to REGULAR_UNIT and REGULAR_RATE. The only attributes of a component that you can change directly are the description, comments, customer fields, and the Via Element Overrides option. You make these changes on the Components page.

A component is also an element and can therefore be used in another element's definition. As an example, assume that you define the following elements:

  • SALARY1 = Unit × Rate.

  • SALARY2 = Unit × Rate.

  • SALARY2 Rate = SALARY1 Rate.

When the system calculates the rate for SALARY2, it uses the rate for SALARY1. You don't have to redefine the rate for every new element. No matter how the rate for SALARY1 is defined (numeric, formula, and so on), the rate for SALARY2 always equals the rate for SALARY1.

When you define an earning or deduction element, you specify which accumulators to create. For example, you probably want to create a year-to-date accumulator for every earning element and every deduction element that you define. You can base the accumulators on calendar periods, fiscal periods, or both. You can also indicate whether you want to store amounts, units, or both and the periods that you want to store in the accumulator—period, month, quarter, or year.

Like components, automatically generated accumulators take on the attributes of the corresponding earning or deduction element and use the suffixes that you define on the Earnings and Deductions page of the Element Suffixes component (GP_SUFFIX).

Note: The only accumulators whose attributes are linked directly to an earning element or deduction element are those that are automatically generated by the Earnings component (GP_EARNING) or the Deductions component (GP_DEDUCTION). Attributes of accumulators that you create using the Accumulators component (GP_ACCUMULATOR) are not linked directly to earning or deduction elements.

When you set up an earning or deduction, you can specify a frequency on the Calculation page. There are two options:

  • Use Calendar Period Frequency indicates that the element frequency is determined by the calendar period.

  • Use Specified Frequency enables you to define the frequency.

For earning or deduction elements that use a frequency-controlled rate code, select Use Calendar Period Frequency. Otherwise, you may not get the result that you are looking for.

A rate code element that is frequency-controlled is resolved in the calendar frequency. It is annualized by the Frequency Option field that controls it and deannualized by the calendar frequency.

For example, say that you have a weekly payroll, and you create an earning element with an amount of 100 and a frequency of monthly. If no generation control conditions are defined, the system annualizes and deannualizes the amount into a processing frequency amount. Let's assume that your organization's monthly frequency is 12 and its weekly frequency is 52. First, the system annualizes the 100 (monthly amount) to 1200. Then it deannualizes that amount into the payroll processing frequency. If the payroll frequency is weekly, the amount that is paid each pay period is 1200 / 52 = 23.076923.

If your organization has multiple pay frequencies, the system converts the amount into the corresponding pay period amount for each frequency. Let's say that your organization gives an annual bonus of 1000 to all payees, and distributes the bonus in payslips throughout the year. Your hourly payees are paid weekly and your salaried payees are paid monthly. If you define a bonus earning as BON = 1000, with a frequency of Annual, that definition is applied, using annualization and deannualization, to all payees according to each group's pay frequency.

HR Frequency and Global Payroll Frequency Tables

Global Payroll usually uses the PeopleSoft HR Frequency Table to determine how a frequency is calculated. However, some frequencies that are not defined in that table are defined in the Generation Control Frequency Table in Global Payroll. An example of this is First of the Month. Let's say that you have a weekly pay frequency, but you want an earning element to be paid in the first pay period of the month. In Global Payroll, you can define a generation control frequency and assign it to the earning element through Generation Control.

Frequency Conversion and Generation Control

With generation control you can control when an element is processed, based on various criteria (one of which is frequency.)

If you select a frequency other than Use Calendar Period Frequency, the system annualizes and deannualizes the earning amount based on the pay period frequency. If a generation control frequency exists, the system annualizes and deannualizes the earning amount based on that frequency. The generation control frequency overrides the pay period frequency during frequency conversion.

For example, an earning element is defined with a calculation rule of Amount = 1200, an annual frequency, and a monthly pay period. If you define the monthly frequency as 12, and you don't have a generation control frequency for the earning, the amount is deannualized to 100 per month (1200 / 12 = 100). Now, if the generation control frequency is quarterly, the earning element is deannualized to 300 (1200 / 4 = 300).

This table lists the calculation rules and components for which frequency conversion is performed:

Calculation Rule




Base × Percent


Unit × Rate


Unit × Rate × Percent


When you select Use Calendar Period Frequency in the Frequency Option field, the system does not perform frequency conversion.

For example, let's say that you have an earning element with a calculation rule of Amount and the amount is 100. If Frequency is set to Use Calendar Period Frequency, the amount calculated is always 100, regardless of what period frequency is used. If you have weekly and monthly pay groups, the resolved amount is 100 for payees in both groups. Even if a generation control condition uses frequency, the system doesn't perform annualization or deannualization. For frequency conversion, you specify the frequency in the earning's calculation rule. Frequency deannualization for generation control does not occur unless you specify a frequency on the earning element definition. Even though the system does not perform this routine, you can still use Generation Control - Frequency to control when the element is processed for the weekly pay group.

See Defining Generation Control Elements.

Example 1: Frequency Conversion without Generation Control

An earning element has a flat amount of 1200 and an annual frequency (factor = 1). You run a pay period with a monthly frequency (factor = 12).

The system retrieves the value of the frequency defined for the element (1) and the value of the frequency defined for the pay period (12) from the HR Frequency Table. It divides the element frequency factor by the period frequency factor to determine the annualization/deannualization factor. The equation used to calculate the element is: 1200 × 1/12 = 100

Example 2: Frequency Conversion with Generation Control

You have a monthly payroll and an earning element, a Christmas bonus, that should be paid only in December. The earning element is set up with a flat amount of 50 and a frequency of Weekly (factor = 52). To pay the bonus in December, you can:

  1. Create a generation control frequency called December and give it a frequency factor of 1.

  2. Create a generation control definition called Christmas.

  3. In the definition, add the December generation control frequency, and select Include on the Generation Control - Conditions: Frequency page.

  4. Add the generation control definition to the earning element.

  5. Attach the December generation control frequency to the December calendar.

When the system processes the December calendar for a payee and sees that the earning element has frequency generation control, it checks for a matching generation control frequency on the calendar. If it doesn't find a match, the system doesn't process the element. If the system finds a match, it performs the following calculation:

(Element amount (50)) × (element frequency factor (52)) / (generation control frequency factor (1)) = 2600.

The denominator changes from Period Frequency to Generation Control Frequency.

During retroactive processing, if an earning or deduction element is defined as Do Not Recalculate, the system returns the old value of the element, along with all of its component elements, as long as all segments and slices match. However, if there is a segment or slice mismatch between the period being recalculated and the prior calculated period, the system ignores the Do Not Recalculate designation and recalculates the element.

A segment match occurs when a segment's Begin Date, End Date, and Payment Keys are the same. All of these parts of a segment must match for the segments to match.

A slice match occurs when the number of slices in the current calculation is equal to the number of slices in the previous calculation, regardless of whether the slice dates match. Unlike segments, differences in dates or date ranges are not considered mismatches for slices.

Examples of mismatches include:

  • If an element was not previously calculated, it will always be calculated during retroactive processing.

  • When segments don't match or when segments match but slices don't match, the Do Not Recalculate designation is ignored and the elements will be recalculated.

Positive input overrides the Do Not Recalculate designation. Positive input instances are always calculated.

Note: A single instance of positive input with an action type of Override will cause an element to be recalculated. Positive input instances with action types of Add are always recalculated, regardless of whether the element that is being added to is recalculated. This means that new positive input rows with action types of Add are resolved even if the element is designated as Do Not Recalculate

When defining an earning or deduction element, you can assign it a pre process formula, a post-process formula, or both using the Calculation page.

  • A pre process formula is executed immediately before the resolution of the earning or deduction element.

    For example, you might use a pre process formula to retrieve data for use in the resolution of the earning or deduction.

  • A post process formula is executed immediately after the resolution of the earning or deduction element.

    For example, you can use a post-process formula to change the calculated value of an earning or deduction and its components before the resolved value is stored (in the PINV array) and becomes available for use elsewhere. You might use a post-process formula to enforce an annual limit for a deduction or to add an additional amount.

Pre process and post process formulas are executed for each instance of an element; however, you can use system elements to control when resolution occurs. PeopleSoft delivers numerous system elements for use with pre- and post-process formulas.

System Elements for Post Process Formulas

The following table lists the system elements that PeopleSoft delivers for use in post process formulas. As is true of all system elements, these elements resolve only if they are referenced in the process; for example, in a formula.

System Element



Stores the resolved value of the most recent instance of the amount or of the percent, unit, base, or rate component. This element is populated by the value of the amount immediately after the amount is calculated or by the value of the percent, unit, base, or rate component immediately after the component is resolved. This is after frequency conversion, proration, and rounding, if applicable, are applied. This value can be used as input for the post-process formula. CURR x VAL is updated by setting SET CURR x VAL to a nonzero number. The primary use of the system element is to check its value for the current amount or for the current percent, unit, base, or rate component of the deduction or earning.


Stores the value to be used to override the most recently resolved instance of the amount or of the percent, unit, base, or rate component. Think of this as the output of a post-process formula. You can assign override values to this set of elements.

OVRD CURR x VAL is updated by setting SET CURR x VAL to true (a nonzero number).


To override the value of the most recently resolved instance of the amount or of the percent, unit, base, or rate component, set this system element to a nonzero value. This causes the system to assign the value of OVRD CURR x VAL to the amount or to the percent, unit, base, or rate component.


This example illustrates how you might use a post-process formula to enforce an annual deduction limit. After the system computes the deduction, it calls a post-process formula to determine whether the limit has been reached, and if so, what to do with the deduction.


  • DD represents the deduction element.

  • YTD Limit Amt is a variable that represents the year-to-date limit amount.

  • Amt Over is a variable that represents the amount that exceeds the limit.

Here's what the code looks like:

If DD YTD Accum + CURR AMT VAL + DD Arrears Amt<= YTD Limit Amt
Then exit 

DD YTD Accum + CURR AMT VAL + DD Arrears Amt - YTD Limit Amt = Amt Over 

To illustrate with numbers, assume that a deduction has an annual limit of 1,000. The payee's year-to-date balance for the deduction is 950. The deduction for the current period is 125, and there is no arrears balance. Processing occurs as follows:

If 950 + 125 + 0 <= 1000

then exit


950 + 125 + 0 - 1000 = 75

125 - 75 = 50

A value of 50 is assigned to the override element (OVRD_CURR_AMT_VAL), and the value of SET CURR AMT VAL is set to 1, so the system retrieves the value of the override element and assigns it to the deduction.

The rounding rule defined for the resolved amount is applied after the post-process formula.

Note: Post-process formulas are resolved before arrears processing. Therefore, if you use a post-process formula to limit an amount, the amount that exceeds the limit that is defined in your formula does not update the arrears balance.

System Elements that Control the Timing of Resolutions

You can use delivered system elements to control when resolution of a pre- or post-process formula occurs. The following table lists some of the system elements that could be useful when you want to execute a pre- or post-process formula on a specific instance:

System Element



Positive input instance number. Resolves to the instance number if positive input exists. Otherwise, resolves to zero.


First instance of positive input (Y / N). Resolves to Y for the first instance of positive input; otherwise resolves to N.


Last instance of positive input. (Y / N). Resolves to Y for the last instance of positive input; otherwise resolves to N.

The system goes through the following steps when prorating and rounding an earning or deduction element:

  1. For each segment or slice, retrieves the components of the calculation rule.

  2. For each segment or slice, prorates the applicable components.

    Note: Percent component and rate component are not subject to proration.

  3. Rounds the components.

  4. Resolves the segment or slice.

  5. Rounds the segment or slice resolved amount.

The PRORATE System Element

Proration of an earning or deduction element can be triggered in one of two ways: through segmentation or through the use of the PRORATE system element.

You can use the PRORATE system element to invoke proration for an earning or deduction element, even when there's no segmentation. To do this, create a pre process formula that defines the conditions under which PRORATE is set to Y. If the conditions are satisfied, proration occurs using the proration rule associated with the earning or deduction element. In your post-process formula, be sure to include instructions to reset PRORATE to N.

Earnings and deductions can be defined with one or more components of their calculation rule (the unit, rate, base, percent, or amount) set to Payee Level. This means that the earning or deduction must be assigned to a specific payee before it can be processed, and that the value of the component designated as Payee Level must be entered using positive input or the element/payee assignment components. The element/payee assignment and positive input pages can be configured for specific earnings and deductions to simplify the process of entering payee level data.

In Global Payroll you can cause an element to resolve multiple times in a single segment by:

  • Entering positive input for an element using an Action Type of Additional, Override, or Resolve to Zero.

    When you enter additional positive input for an element, the element resolves once using the element's rule definition—or if there are element overrides, by using the override values. The element resolves again using the values associated with the additional- type instance of positive input.

    If there is more than one additional positive input entry, the system assigns a different instance number to each entry to trigger multiple resolutions of the element.

    When you enter multiple positive input overrides, the system processes them separately, using instance numbers to trigger multiple resolutions.

  • Entering multiple instances of an element on the element assignment pages.

    For example, you can enter the same garnishment multiple times for the same periods. The system assigns an instance number to each entry and processes each one separately.

    You can also define user fields to track different resolutions of an element (for example, you can define a user field called Garnishment Number to distinguish different resolutions of a garnishment element).

  • Defining an accumulator driver to trigger multiple resolutions of an earning or deduction. For each instance of the accumulator, there is a corresponding resolution of the earning or deduction.

  • When an element segmentation trigger that applies to an earning or deduction exists, there is a separate resolution for each slice of the element.