Making Training Data Available for the 2483 Report

Global Payroll delivers the writable array FOR WA 2483 to make data generated by Global Payroll for France available to Administer Training for the generation of the 2483 report.

The data contained in the writable array includes:

  • Instructors' gross salary (contained in the writable array field GROSS_AMT).

  • Employees' DIF earnings for training outside of working hours (contained in the writable array field TRN_DIF_HORS).

  • Employees' skills development earnings for training outside of working hours (contained in the writable array field TRN_DEV_HORS).

  • Employees' gross salary when they are working as trainers full-time (contained in the writable array field TRN_FT_GROSS_AMT).

Note: Global Payroll for France populates the writable array when you run the payroll process.

Note: PeopleSoft uses the FOR WA 2483 writable array only when the 2483 report is based on HR or Enterprise Learning Management data.

Note: In addition to using Global Payroll for France data, the 2483 computation process uses information from the following sources: the PeopleSoft Administer Training business process in PeopleSoft HR, PeopleSoft Learning Management (if you are using Enterprise Learning Management to manage employee training in place of the Administer Training business process), contract data, and personal data.

Field Name



Employee's company.


Contract number.


Employee's establishment ID.


Temporary variable.


User assigned fields for decimal values.


Gross salary for the 2483 training report.

According to legal requirements, the salary for instructors is composed of:

  • Employee gross salary before various deductions.

  • Social security contributions to be paid by the employer.

  • Legal taxes related to these salaries.


Worked hours for the 2483 training report.


Period begin date.


Period end date.


Version number.


Segment begin date.


Segment end date.


Dev hours over std. hour (skills development earnings outside of working hours).


Temporary variable.


DIF hours over std. hour (employees' DIF earnings for training outside of working hours)


Temporary variable.


Employee gross salary for full-time training.

The GROSS_AMT field returns the gross salary whatever the employee job is. The TRN_FT_GROSS_AMT returns the salary employees receive during the period when they are working as part of the training staff on a full-time basis.

The payroll system recognizes full-time instructor status if one of the following conditions applies:

  • The Full Time Instructor flag is selected on the Instructor Profile page, or

  • The JobCode and/or department list is considered to be dedicated to training jobs.