Understanding the French Training Report 2483 Process

The Training Report 2483 (TRN029), also called the Declaration 2483 Report, is a French regulatory report that is used to declare the vocational training that your company has provided to its employees. This report compiles information about the amount of money that your company spends on training.

The report provides details for groups of information that are defined by the French government. PeopleSoft delivers the groups as system data in HR.

Note: Any changes that you make to these groups directly affect the way that the system generates the French Training Report 2483. Therefore, you should make changes only in response to changes in the French regulatory reporting requirements.

Here is an overview of how to prepare the Training Report 2483:

  1. Trainings are recorded, employees are enrolled, and costs are associated with those trainings/students.

  2. (Optional) Review the setup for training report groups.

  3. (Optional) Review the setup for training report indicators.

  4. Enter training report parameters.

  5. Run the Compute Training Report 2483 (DEC2483) process calculation for all indicators.

  6. (Optional) Review and edit the results of the process calculations.

  7. Run the Training Report 2483 (TRN029) to print (or export to a file) the results of the process calculations.

Note: When using ELM and Administer Training, the setup of the learning catalog, instructors, vendors, and so on, as well as tracking of learning costs and enrollment and other day-to-day tasks should be done in ELM. In this case, the Administer Training components are used to compile costs and generate the 2483 reports.

See product documentation for PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management, “(FRA) Managing French Regulatory Requirements”.