Defining Overrides with Positive Input

You can override an earning, deduction, or absence element by entering positive input on the Positive Input component. Use positive input to enter payee-related data for one pay period. For example, you can enter positive input for one time bonuses or for hours worked during a pay period.

You can also use the Supporting Element Overrides grid, accessed through the Details page of the Positive Input component, to override any system or variable element associated with an instance of positive input. Here, element values must be numeric, character, or date; they cannot be monetary.

An override applies to only one instance of positive input. After the instance is resolved, the supporting element returns to its previous value.

Processing Rules in Positive Input and Overrides

Begin and end dates exist on the positive input record, but the system uses them strictly as a means of assigning a positive input sequence (instance number) to a segment or slice. It uses the value assigned to the supporting element only for that sequence. After use, it reverts to the value that was assigned before the positive input entry.