Processing and Viewing Results for Off Cycle Transactions

The Off Cycle On Demand component is used to create a request and create a calendar, as well as to process and view off cycle requests. On the Off Cycle On Demand page, you can calculate a run, view results, and finalize or cancel the process. Every time you calculate a run, the system first cancels all results then identifies and calculates the off cycle request. Therefore iterative trigger set up is not needed, as long as you run the calculation process from the On Demand page. If you use the Calculate Absence and Payroll Run Control page to calculate your off cycle requests, iterative triggers are necessary to cause a re-identification and recalculation if you select the Calculate option without selecting the Recalculate All option.

Retroactive and segmentation triggers still need to be created for off cycle transactions. The system will not create triggers unless you have set up the proper trigger definitions for each country. The records for which you should create trigger definitions are GP_OFFCYCL_M_VW, GP_OFFCYCL_C_VW, GP_OFFCYCL_U_VW, and GP_OFFCYCL_A_VW. These correspond to manual payments, corrections, additional payments, and advances, respectively.

See Setting Up Trigger Definitions.

When you are processing from this page, a remote call is made to calculate, finalize, or cancel the run, depending on the button that you click. This causes the process to run while remaining on the Off Cycle On Demand page. It will not redirect you to the Calculate Absence and Payroll page. If you want to run the process with a resolution chain, streams, or process lists, you will have to run it using the Calculate Absence and Payroll page, the same page from which you run the on cycle payroll processes. When you have run the calculation process successfully from the Off Cycle On Demand page, the system will automatically transfer you to the Payee Status page, upon completion of calculation or finalize. When the you run cancel, instead of redirecting you to the Payee Status page, a message appears that confirms the cancel process ran successfully.

Note: More detail on processing and viewing payroll is in the payroll processing topic and the topic on viewing and finalizing payroll results.