Understanding Course and Program Setup

These topics list prerequisites and discuss:

  • Training courses

  • Training programs

Courses are the foundation of in-house course session administration. To set up courses:

  1. Define training resources.

    Enter information about the vendors, instructors, training facilities, equipment, and materials that are needed for course delivery.

  2. Define course categories and subcategories.

    Categories and subcategories help organize courses by topic so that users can find them easily in the training catalog.

  3. Define courses.

    For each course, define general information, such as the duration, primary delivery method, and whether the course is internal or external. Also identify course prerequisites, instructor competencies and target competencies for the course (if you're using the Manage Profiles business process), equipment and materials, and the course category and subcategory.

  4. Organize the course catalog, as needed.

After you define courses, you can create training programs. You specify the courses within the program, the sequence in which the courses are to be taken, and which are required.

When you set up training courses, you can specify competencies, accomplishments, education, and skills that are required to teach a course or that are assigned to students after successful completion of the course. To do this, you need to set up your content catalog provided in the HR: Manage Profiles business process.