Setting Up Workforce Contracts

To set up contracts for your workforce, use the Define Contract Types or Contract Types for Regulations (CONTRACT_TYPE_TBL), Contract Type Groups (CNTRCT_TYPE_GRP), Contract Clause Table (CNT_CLAUSE_TABLE), and Define Contract Templates (CNT_TEMPLATE_TABLE) components.

These topics discuss how to set up workforce contracts.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Contract Types Page or Contract Types for Regulations Page


Define contract types.

Contract Type Groups Page


Group contract types together.

Contract Clause Table Page


Define special languages and riders that can be added to the main body of a workforce contract.

Define Contract Templates Page


Set up all of your organization's standard workforce contracts. Use the information that you define here when you assign contracts to employees and contingent workers in your organization.

Use the Define Contract Types or Contract Types for Regulations page (CONTRACT_TYPE_TBL) to define contract types.


  • Workforce Administration > Job Information > Contract Administration > Define Contract Types > Define Contract Types

  • Set UP HCM > Product Related > Workforce Monitoring > Regulatory Requirements > Contract Types for Regulations > Contract Types for Regulations

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Contract Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Contract Types page

(ITA) Italy

Field or Control



Select whether this contract type is applicable to employees, contingent workers, or both.

(ESP) Spain

Field or Control


Long Description

Enter a description for this type of contract.

Duration Type

Select the duration to be associated with this type of contract. The values available are:

  • Fix Duration

  • Permanent

  • Temporary

Schedule Type

Select the type of schedule followed by this type of contract. The values available are:

  • Full Time

  • Part Time

  • Permanent Intermitent

Contract Class

Select the employee class to which this type of contract is applicable. The values available are:

  • Disabled People

  • Employment Promotion

  • Insertion

  • Interinity

  • Partial Retirement

  • Production

  • Regular

  • Relieve

  • Service

  • Training

Contrata Node

Select the XML starting node that you want to associate with this contract type.

Additional Descr

Enter any additional details you want to specify for this contract type.

Contract Rule

Enter the number of the law that governs this kind of contracts. A typical law number includes the type of law, law number, and year—for example, RD 3290/1997 or Ley 22/1995.

The system doesn't edit your entry.

Reduction ID

This field is active only if PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain is installed. Select the reduction ID that corresponds to the contract type. The reduction ID identifies the specific reduction definition or rule that applies to an employer. In certain limited cases—such as when a company hires employees with disabilities, or hires workers older than 45 years of age—the employer may qualify for a reduction in the amount of social security contributions.


Select this check box to permit transformation for this type of contracts. This check box is visible only if you have selected Permanent in the Duration Type field.

Allowed Extension

Select this check box to permit extensions to be added to this type of contracts This check box will not be visible if you have selected Permanent in the Duration Type field.

Tax Incentives

Select this check box if tax incentives are applicable for this type of contracts.

Use the Define Contract Templates page (CNT_TEMPLATE_TABLE) to set up all of your organization's standard workforce contracts.

Use the information that you define here when you assign contracts to employees and contingent workers in your organization.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Contract Administration > Define Contract Templates > Define Contract Templates

  • Workforce Administration > Job Information > Contract Administration > Define Contract Templates > Define Contract Templates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Contract Templates page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Contract Templates page

Field or Control


Contract Type

Select the contract type for this template from the contract types you have set up on the Contract Types for Regulations page.

Contract Family

Enables you to group a class of contracts. For example, you may have one contract family for regular employee contracts and another for contingent worker contracts. Tying contracts to a contract family helps you narrow your search criteria when you select a contract template.

Contract Clauses

Use this group box to define any special contract clauses that should be attached as riders to this contract template.

Field or Control



Enter the order in which to add the contract clauses to the contract.

Contract Clause

Select a contract clause from among those you've defined on the Contract Clause Table page. For example, a contract for a limousine driver requires that the employee have a driver's license.

Clause Status

Indicate if the clause is Optional or Required.