Setting Up Searches

Use the Define Search Configuration (JPM_SRCH_CFG) and Fluid Compare Configuration (JPM_CSC_DEFN) components to define the search types for your users.

Note: Users must be assigned the Profile Administrator or JPM Administrator roles to access these pages.

This topic discusses how to set up profile search types.

Page Name

Definition Name


(Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display Page


Create compare group headings that define additional data to display for the profile when viewing the Compare Results page in fluid.

(Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources Page


Select the fields that should appear within the Compare Results group headings in fluid.

(Fluid) Configure Compare Field Page


Configure field display and label options for the Compare Results page in fluid.

Define Search Configuration Page


Set up profile search types for employees, managers, and administrators.

Use the Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display page (JPM_CSC_DEFN) to create compare group headings that define additional data to display for the profile when viewing the Compare Results page in fluid.

Note: This configuration is used to display data on the fluid pages only.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Profiles > Fluid Compare Configuration > Page Display

  • From the Workforce Administrator home page in fluid select the Profile Administration tile > Profile Configuration tile > Configure Search and Compare tab > Fluid Compare Configuration > Page Display.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display Page

Field or Control


Profile Usage

Select the usage value: Person or Non-Person.

The usage will determine the valid person or non-person compare IDs on the Define Search Configuration Page.

Sequence and Group Description

Enter the group headings and the order in which they should appear on the (Fluid) Compare Results Page. The groups allow you to combine like fields that describe the profiles that a user is comparing.

After you have created compare definition IDs, associate them with search types on the Define Search Configuration Page.

Use the Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources page (JPM_CSC_FLD) to select the fields that should appear within the Compare Results group headings in fluid.

Note: This configuration is used to display data on the fluid pages only.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Profiles > Fluid Compare Configuration > Data Sources

  • From the Workforce Administrator home page in fluid select the Profile Administration tile > Profile Configuration tile > Configure Search and Compare tab > Fluid Compare Configuration > Data Sources.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources Page

Field or Control


Record Name

Enter the record that the system will use to retrieve the employee or non-person information.

Field Name

Specify the field from the record that should appear on the Compare Results page.


Click this button to open the (Fluid) Configure Compare Field Page and define the field display and label options.

Use the Labels tab to view the field labels and the Compare Group to which it belongs.

After you have created compare definition IDs, associate them with search types on the Define Search Configuration Page.

Use the Configure Compare Field page (JPM_CSC_FLD_SEC) to configure field display and label options for the Compare Results page in fluid.


Click the Configure button on the (Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Compare Field page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Configure Compare Field Page

The information you set up on this page will appear on the Labels tab of the Data Sources page.

Field or Control


Compare Display

Select how the field and label should display. Options include:

  • Both: Displays two fields on the Compare Results page; one that shows the code and one the description of the field value. For example, using the preceding screen shot, the following rows will appear:

    Job Code 13055

    Job Code Description Finance Manager

    This option will display both the Compare Field Information and Compare Description Information sections on this page.

  • Display Field: Displays the field item code of the field value on the Compare Results page.

    This option will display the Compare Field Information section on this page.

  • Display Field Description: Displays the field description of the field value on the Compare Results page.

    This option will display the Compare Description Information section on this page.

Results Group

Indicate the group in which this field will appear. Groups are defined on the (Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display Page.

Compare Field Information

This section is available when the Compare Display value is Display Field or Both.

Field or Control


Compare Field Label

Enter the label of the field that will appear in the results page. This label is associated with the Display Field option and the field value will only display the code of the item.

Compare Description Information

This section is available when the Compare Display value is Display Field Description or Both.

These fields and label are associated with the Display Field Description option and the field value will display the description instead of the code.

Field or Control


Description Table Name

Enter the record table name to specify what data the system will display.

Description Field Name

Enter the field name, typically a DESCR-related field, that should be used for the description.

Description Field Label

Enter the label for the field that will appear in the results page.

Source Table Fields Needed for the Lookup

This section is available as part of the Compare Description Information section when you need to identify the look up and source table fields. The fields are based off of the values entered in the Description Table Name field.

Use the Define Search Configuration page (JPM_SRCH_CFG) to set up profile search types for employees, managers, and administrators.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Profiles > Define Search Configuration

  • From the Administer Workforce home page in fluid select the Profile Administration tile > Profile Configuration tile > Configure Search and Compare tab > Define Search Configuration.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Search Configuration page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Search Configuration page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Search Configuration page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Search Configuration page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Object Owner ID

Select HCM Profile Management to view and define searches for profile management.

Sub Application Id

Leave this field blank for all profile searches. It is not used by Profile Management.

Search Id

Enter a search key unique to the object owner ID and sub application ID.

Search Properties

Note: Caution should be used when identifying a property in the profile type configuration as searchable. Consideration needs to be given to the types of searches this property will be included in to ensure that the property in both the source and target profile of the search have been defined with the same meaning.

Use this section to define search types for your organization.

Field or Control


Source Profile

Select the profile type to use as the basis for the search criteria.

Target Profile

Select the profile type that you want to search for matching profiles and to which you want to compare.

Search Name

Enter a descriptive name for the search. Employees, managers, and administrators see the search name when they select the Search and Compare Profiles option. Therefore, it's important that the name accurately describes the search.

Criteria Rule

Select one of these options:

  • Default and Display: The system populates the search criteria using data from the selected profile and displays the Search Criteria page. This option enables users to adjust the search criteria before running the search.

  • Default, No Display: The system generates the search criteria using data from the selected profile and immediately runs the search without first displaying the Search Criteria page.

  • No Default, Display (Adhoc): The system displays the Search Criteria page without populating the search criteria. The user has to set up the search criteria from scratch for this type of search, which requires knowledge of the profile types. Typically, you use this option to enable administrators to run adhoc searches.

Display Max (display maximum)

Enter the maximum number of profiles to be returned by the search query. For example, if you specify a maximum of ten (10), the search query will return only 10 results on the page, even though the document match count may be greater. Users will then use options on the page to view additional results.

Job Profile Management Roles

Field or Control


Job Profile Management Roles

Add the Profile Management roles that have access to the search. The options are: Administrator, Manager, and Employee.

Users can run the searches that are defined for their role only. The search results will display only those profiles to which the user has the appropriate security.

Fluid Display Options

(Fluid) Use this section to configure additional fields used only in fluid Search and Compare.

Field or Control


Empl ID

This option appears when the target profile identifies a person profile or is blank.

Select this option to display the employee ID in the search results.

Add to Interest List Button

This option appears when the target profile identifies a non-person profile.

Select this option to display this button on the search results page.

Sort By

This field is not available when the source and target profiles are of the same profile type (Nonperson-to-Nonperson or Person-to-Person).

Select a default sorting method for the search results.

When the search criteria includes one or more of the Rating properties for an item, the target rating impacts the profile search ranking based on the following methods:

For searches where the Target Profile type is NON-PERSON:

  • Job Rating with Closest Fit: The closer the job profile results are to the search criteria rating the higher the ranking.

  • Lowest to Highest Job Rating: Job ratings that are at or below the person rating will be ranked higher.

For searches where the Target Profile type is PERSON:

  • Person Rating with Closest Fit: The closer the person profile results are to the search criteria rating the higher the ranking.

  • High to Low Person Rating: Person ratings that are at or above the job rating will be ranked higher.

For searches where the Target Profile type is blank:

  • Closest Fit: The closer the target profile results are to the source search criteria rating the higher the ranking.

  • Relative to Person Rating: The rating depends on how the profile results compare to the person. When you select this option, the (Fluid) Search Results Page will provide by default the Sort By option relative to the source and target profile search types entered by the end user and described above (either Lowest to Highest Job Rating or High to Low Person Rating).

Person Compare ID

Identify the profile compare configuration ID that defines additional data to display for a person on the Compare Results page in fluid.

Valid values for this field are defined using the Fluid Compare Configuration component for IDs that have a profile usage type of Person.

Non-Person Compare ID

Identify the profile compare configuration ID that defines additional data to display for a non-person profile on the Compare Results page in fluid.

Valid values for this field are defined using the Fluid Compare Configuration component for IDs that have a profile usage type of Non-Person.

See also (Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Page Display Page, (Fluid) Fluid Compare Configuration - Data Sources Page, and (Fluid) Compare Results Page.

The following fields appear based on the source and target profiles you select:

Source = Person

Target = Non-Person

Source = Non-Person

Target = Person

No target profile selected

(Adhoc searches)

Empl ID

Sort By (with the following options):

  • Job Rating with Closest Fit

  • Lowest to Highest Job Rating

Person Compare ID

Add to Interest List Button

Sort By (with the following options):

  • Person Rating with Closest Fit

  • High to Low Person Rating

Non-Person Compare ID

Empl ID

Add to Interest List Button

Sort By (with the following options):

  • Closest Fit

  • Relative to Person Rating

Person Compare ID

Non-Person Compare ID