Updating Salaries by Salary Amount Increase

To update salaries by salary amount increase, use the Salary Increase Amount JPN (SALINC_AMT_TBL_JPN_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of the salary amount increase process and discusses how to update salaries by salary amount increase.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Salary Increase Amount Page


Define the salary increase amount for a particular compensation rate code, rating model, and review rating.

Load Salary Amount Increase Page


Run the salary update process using the values that you set up in the Sal Inc Amount table.

Using the updating salaries by salary amount increase method requires that you set up a Salary Increase Amount table in which you associate a compensation rate code with review bands and monetary increase amounts with each review band. Each worker's review band is derived from the points awarded by single or multiple reviewers using weighted or nonweighted reviews. After you have the salary increase amount for each review band and each worker's review band, you can run a process to load the salary increase for each worker.

When you set up the Salary Increase Amount table, you can select only compensation rate codes that are flat amount types and not of class GRPPAY or SENPAY.

To update salaries by salary amount:

  1. Set up rate codes, review bands, and increase amounts.

  2. Run the JPN Load New Salary Amount process.

Use the Define Salary Increase Amount page (SALINC_AMT_TBL_JPN) to define the salary increase amount for a particular compensation rate code, rating model, and review rating.


Compensation > Base Compensation > Amount Increase JPN > Define Salary Increase Amount > Define Salary Increase Amount

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Salary Increase Amount page.

Define Salary Increase Amount page

Enter the compensation rate code whose value you are updating. The compensation rate code must not be of class SENPAY and must be of type Flat Amount.

Field or Control


Rating Model and Review Rating

Enter the rating model and review rating for which to enter a salary increase amount.

Amount of Salary Increase

Enter the amount of the salary increase for workers whose review results put them in the rating model that you specified.

Use the Load Salary Amount Increase page (RUN_UPSALAMT_JPN) to run the salary update process using the values that you set up in the Sal Inc Amount table.


Compensation > Base Compensation > Amount Increase JPN > Load Salary Amount Increase > Load Salary Amount Increase

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Salary Amount Increase.

Load Salary Amount Increase page

Field or Control


Calculation As Of Date

The effective date that the system uses to determine from which job compensation record it should get the worker's current data to calculate new data. For example, if the worker's review band earns the worker an increase, the system must get the existing rate code amount to calculate the new rate code amount.

Salary Increase Date

Becomes the effective date of the new job record that the system inserts for the worker for the review-based increased amount. The action and reason are Pay Rate Change and Salary Increase by Amount.

Rate Code

Enter the rate codes for which you defined a salary increase to include in this load process. The system displays the short description, currency, and compensation frequency associated with each rate code.

Note: You defined your salary increases by compensation rate code and review band. You can run the process for multiple rate codes.

Group ID

Enter group IDs for workers to be included in this process. Leave this blank to have job compensation records updated for all workers who have the rate code that you specified. If a worker in a group that you specify does not have the compensation rate code that you specified for processing, the system skips the worker without processing.