Understanding Pension and Contingency Fund Data

In France, employees and employers contribute to different types of pension funds:

  • Association des Régimes de Retraites Complémentaires (ARRCO) is a complementary pension fund to which all employees can contribute.

  • Association Générale des Institutions de Retraite des Cadres (AGIRC) is a complementary pension fund for executives.

  • Contingency funds supplement standard social security payments.

The funds to which an employee contributes are determined by the employee's contract. The Category Status field in the French section of the Contract Data - Contract Type/Clause page defines employees' manager or non-manager status for pension fund processing.

Companies and establishments set up contracts with organizations, known as institutions, that manage a particular type of fund. For some contracts, it is mandatory that employee contribute to that fund but others are optional.

In HR you set up the pension and contingency data as follows:

  1. Set up the codes for the funds to which employees contribute.

  2. Define the institutions that manage the pension and contingency funds.

    For each institution define the institution number, the institution type (ARRCO, AGIRC, or Contingency), the fund managed by that institution, the DUCS and DADS codes for the institution, the institution address, and the SIRET number.

  3. Define the pension/contingency contracts.

    For each pension/contingency contract you define the membership number (contract number), the institution associated with the contract, and assign the contract to companies or establishments in the organization.

The pages for setting up the fund codes, institutions, and pension/contingency contracts are in Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Monitoring > Meeting Regulatory Requirements FRA and described in this documentation.

Pension and contingency funds are assigned to companies and establishments from the Pension/Contingency Contracts page, but you can also assign pension and contingency funds to individual employees from the Contract Data - Contract Type/Clauses page. The Contact Data component is described in the PeopleSoft HR: Administer Workforce documentation. See Tracking Workforce Contracts.

For AGIRC and ARRCO contracts, a contract defined on the Contract Type/Clauses page overrides any contracts defined at the company or establishment level. However, for contingency funds, contracts assigned at the employee level are added to funds defined at the company or establishment level. If you have PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France installed, it takes into account all contingency contracts that are applicable to the employee.

The Pension/Cont. Contracts Review page enables you to view a list of the pension and contingency funds for which an employee is eligible. Access this page as follows: Workforce Monitoring > Meet Regulatory Rqmts FRA > Pension/Cont. Contracts Review. This page is described in this documentation. See Reviewing Pension and Contingency Fund Information.

If you have PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France installed, refer to the PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France documentation for information about processing contributions through payroll. See Understanding ARRCO, AGIRC, and Contingency Fund Contributions.