Managing Employee Assignment Data

Use the Assignment Data component (ASSIGNMENT_DATA) to manage employee assignment data.

These topics discuss managing employee assignment data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Assignment Data Page


Enter and view information about assignment types.

Assignment Home/Host Page


View home and host information.

Residence Home Page


Enter information about home residences and furniture.

Residence Host Page


Enter information about host residences and furniture.

Vehicle Data Page


Track the location and status of vehicles.

(Classic) Person Organizational Summary Page


Review a summary of a person's organizational relationships.

Review Assignment Summary Page


Review a summary of an employee's assignment.

Employee on Assignment Report Page


Run the Employees on Assignment report (PER717), which lists the employees who are on assignment.

Use the Assignment Data page (ASSIGNMENT_DATA) to enter and view information about assignment types.


Workforce Administration > Global Assignments > Track Assignment > Assignment Data > Assignment Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assignment Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assignment Data page

Field or Control


Begin Date and End Date

Change the begin and end dates for the assignment, if necessary.

Assignment Type

Change the assignment value, if necessary.

Departure Date and Arrival Date

Enter or change the employee's estimated date of departure from the home location and arrival at the new primary host.

Home Domicile

View information about the employee's home domicile.

The system uses the home domicile values from the employee personal data as default values. Use this information to process home leave travel on the Company Paid Travel page.

Host Contact Information

Enter a contact in the employee's host country who can be contacted by the home supervisor in case of emergency. The employee's name and work telephone number are provided.

Use the Assignment Home/Host page (ASSIGNMENT_HOMHST) to view home and host information.


Workforce Administration > Global Assignments > Track Assignment > Assignment Data > Assignment Home/Host

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assignment Home/Host page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assignment Home/Host page

Field or Control


Display Data as of

Select a date option to change the view of the home or host data. Values are:

  • Assignment Begin Date

    Select to view the home or host data as of the start date for the assignment.

  • Assignment End Date

    Select to view the home or host data as of the end date for the assignment.

  • Current Date

    Select to view the home or host data as of today's date.

The system populates the rest of the elements on the page with the data that is associated with them on the Home and Host Data component as of the date selected.

Home Instance and Host Data

The system displays the home and host location and job data according to the selected date.

Use the Residence Home page (RESIDENCE_HOME) to enter information about home residences and furniture.


Workforce Administration > Global Assignments > Track Assignment > Assignment Data > Residence Home

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residence Home page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residence Home page

Field or Control


Residence Number

Displays the default value, 1.

Leave the default value as is, unless you are using a different numbering sequence. Each time that you insert a new data row for another residence, the system assigns the next number in the sequence, such as 2 or 3.

Status Before Assignment and Status During Assignment

Select the status of the employee's residence before and during the assignment.

Home Furniture

Select the disposition of the employee's home furniture that is associated with the residence.

Property Management

Select if the company is using a property management company to assist in administering residence details.

Use the Residence Host page (RESIDENCE_HOST) to enter information about host residences and furniture.


Workforce Administration > Global Assignments > Track Assignment > Assignment Data > Residence Host

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residence Host page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residence Host page

Field or Control


Residence Number

Displays the default value, 1. Leave the default value as it is, unless you use a different numbering sequence. Each time that you insert a new data row for another residence, the system assigns the next number in the sequence, such as 2 or 3.

Edit Host Address

Click to edit the host residence address.

Host Residence Status

Select the host residence status.

Host Furniture

Select the disposition of the host furniture that is associated with the residence. Use a set of values that are different from those that are available for home residences. These values are in the Translate table.

Use the Vehicle Data page (VEHICLE_DATA) to track the location and status of vehicles.

Note: PeopleSoft HR also includes Administer Company Cars to track an organization's car-specific benefits.


Workforce Administration > Global Assignments > Track Assignment > Assignment Data > Vehicle Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Vehicle Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Vehicle Data page

Home Vehicle

Field or Control


Vehicle Nbr (vehicle number)

Displays the default value, 1. Leave the default value as is, unless you are using a different numbering sequence. Each time that you insert a new data row for another vehicle, the system assigns the next number in the sequence, such as2 or3.


Enter the reason or status of the employee's vehicle.

Host Vehicle

Field or Control


Vehicle Nbr (vehicle number)

Displays the default value, 1. Leave the default value as is, unless you are using a different numbering sequence. Each time that you insert a new data row for another vehicle, the system assigns the next number in the sequence, such as2 or3.


Select a reason for the status.

Vehicle Status

Select a vehicle status by using a set of values that are different from those that are available for home vehicles. These values are also in the Translate table.

Date Available

Enter the date on which the vehicle is available to the employee.

Cash in Lieu

Select if the employee chooses to take cash instead of a company vehicle.