Understanding Job Data

You can add a new job record to the system in several ways. Each way uses its own component. Although the components are made up of the same pages, each one is configured to help you enter the correct data for a particular situation.

Before you create a job record for a person, you must add them to the system using the classic Add a Person component (PERSONAL_DATA_ADD) of the fluid Add Person component (PERSONAL_DATA_FL). You can even use the fluid Create Employee Tile, Create Contingent Worker Tile, or Create Person of Interest Tile to add a person record and job instance at the same time.

See (Classic) Adding a Person, (Fluid) Adding a Person, and (Fluid) Adding Organizational Instances.

Most of these components consist of the same job data pages. The data that you enter on these pages is used throughout PeopleSoft Human Resources and PeopleSoft HCM to manage the people in the system. The process of entering additional data for employees or contingent workers that is not covered in the job data pages discussed in these topics can be found elsewhere in this documentation.

Note: Template-based hires does not use the actual job data pages in the template, however, it does use all the fields broken up into logical sections.

See Hiring Applicants.

See Understanding U.S. Federal Hiring.

See (ARG) Providing Additional Information for Argentinean Employees.

See Understanding the Process of Updating Person and Job Information.

See Understanding the Hiring Process.

See (Fluid) Updating Job Data.

Classic Job Data Pages



Use To

(Classic) Add Employment Instance (JOB_DATA_EMP)

  • Workforce Administration, Job Information

  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships

Add a new employment organizational instance for a person who doesn't have applicant information in the system.


  • (FPS) Hire Employee (EE_HIRE)

  • (USF) Hire Employee USF (EE_HIRE)

(FPS) Workforce Administration, FPS Business Rules

(USF) Workforce Administration

Add a new employee who doesn't have applicant information in the system.

(Classic) Template-Based Hire (HR_TBH_JOB)

  • Workforce Administration, Template-Based Hire

  • Manager Self-Service, Job and Personal Information, Add Template-Based Hire

Add a new hire by picking a pre-configured template and completing a simple data entry page.

Once the data is entered it can be saved directly to the database, submitted for processing or saved for later.



  • (FPS) Hire


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Manage Hires

Add a job applicant with information in the system, added through the Recruit Workforce business process.

When you use these components to hire an applicant, the information that you've already entered in the system becomes part of the worker's record, including the referral source information. All other fields on these pages are documented in these topics.

Note: (USF) Federal users can find information on hiring job applicants in the Recruit Workforce business process.

(FPS) French Public Sector users can find information on hiring job applicants in the Recruit Workforce business process.

(Classic) Add Contingent Worker Instance (JOB_DATA_CWR)

  • Workforce Administration, Job Information

  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships

Add a contingent worker organizational instance.

(Classic) Add POI Instance (JOB_DATA_POI)

  • Workforce Administration, Job Information

  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships

Add a POI organizational instance for a person who does not comprise the workforce but for whom you require a job record.


  • Add Additional Assignment (ADD_PER_ORG_ASGN)

  • (FPS) Add Concurrent Empl Record FPS (HIRE_DATA_BIS)

  • (USF) Concurrent Hire USF (EE_CONC_HIRE)

Workforce Administration, Job Information

Note: Access the Concurrent Job component from the Add Additional Assignment component (ADD_PER_ORG_ASGN).

Add an additional employment instance for an employee or contingent worker.

(Classic) Job Data (JOB_DATA).

Workforce Administration, Job Information

Update (including adding temporary assignments) the job record of an employee, contingent worker, or POI.

Note: The components that you use to add and update job records are made up of a number of different pages. To navigate through the entire component, click the Job Data, Employment Data, Earnings Distribution, and Benefits Program Participation links at the bottom of the pages.

Fluid Job Data Pages



Use To

(Fluid) Create Employee (PERSONAL_DATA_FL and JOB_DATA_ADD_FL)

Workforce Administrator home page, Manage Human Resources tile, Create Employee tile

Add a person and create an employee job relationship for a person using the fluid activity guide process.

(Fluid) Create Contingent Worker (PERSONAL_DATA_FL and JOB_DATA_ADD_FL)

Workforce Administrator home page, Manage Human Resources tile, Create Contingent Worker tile

Add a person and create a contingent worker job relationship for a person using the fluid activity guide process.

(Fluid) Create Person of Interest (PERSONAL_DATA_FL and JOB_DATA_ADD_FL)

Workforce Administrator home page, Manage Human Resources tile, Create Person of Interest tile

Add a person and create a person of interest job relationship for a person using the fluid activity guide process.

(Fluid) Organizational Relationship (HR_PERS_ORG_REL_FL)

Workforce Administrator home page, Manage Human Resources tile, Organizational Relationship tile

Add a job record (as an employee, contingent worker, or POI) using the fluid activity guide process for a person who is already in the system.

(Fluid) Job Data (JOB_DATA_FL)

Workforce Administrator home page, Manage Human Resources tile, Manage Job tile

Update the job record of an employee, contingent worker, or POI using the fluid activity guide process.

Adding New Job Records through the PeopleSoft Services Procurement Integration

A new job record may also be created in the system if your organization uses the PeopleSoft Services Procurement product within the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management (SCM) database. The PeopleSoft applications deliver integration points that enable you to use PeopleSoft Human Resources as your system of record for contingent workers who are brought in to fill PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisitions.

When a work order is submitted in Services Procurement, the Services Procurement application does the following:

  1. If the Services Procurement service provider is a new candidate, Services Procurement sends a message to Human Resources requesting Human Resources to add this person with an organizational relationship of contingent worker, add a job assignment, and create a user profile.

  2. If the Services Procurement candidate already exists in the Human Resources system, Services Procurement sends a message with this person's ID requesting Human Resources to create a new job assignment for this person.

  3. When a Services Procurement work order is closed or cancelled, Services Procurement sends a termination message to Human Resources. Human Resources then terminates the associated job assignment.

Human Resources uses the Component Interface (CI) and internal services to add the person, job, and user profile. This integration is automated and requires manual intervention only if there is a problem. For example, let's say Human Resources has successfully added a person profile from a Services Procurement request but encountered errors when creating the job assignment, such as an incorrect job code or location code. Human Resources sends a message back to Services Procurement stating that the person was created but the job assignment and user profile were not created and lists the error details. A Services Procurement administrator will then access the error correction page, correct the data, and resubmit the request. Human Resources will process the updated information, create the job assignment and user profile, and send an acknowledgement back to Services Procurement.

Note: The PeopleSoft Services Procurement help provides the technical details of the integration between PeopleSoft Human Resources and PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Additional integration enables you to use Services Procurement to search for contingent workers as an alternate source of filling job postings in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager. When you use this integration, and a new Services Procurement candidate is sent to Talent Acquisition Manager for hiring. Talent Acquisition Manager initiates the hire process and sends all necessary Human Resources data to Services Procurement to add the contingent worker information. When the hire is successful, Talent Acquisition Manager sends a message to Services Procurement stating that the candidate was added. At this point, Services Procurement will send a message to Human Resources to add a user profile for this candidate in the Human Resources system. Human Resources will add the user profile and send an acknowledge message. Services Procurement continues to send messages directly to the Human Resources system when it is time to terminate the Services Procurement service provider.

See PeopleSoft Services Procurement

See Posting Jobs to PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Understanding the Job Data Pages

The information that you enter when you add a new employment, contingent worker, or POI instance is the foundation for most of the business processes that you carry out later. That information includes the following:

  • General employment information.

    Includes business title and work phone. This information is optional, but useful for reporting purposes.

  • Specific job data.

    Includes the person's department, job code, company, supervisor, and compensation information.

  • Earnings data.

    This information is included if the person's compensation comes from more than one department or category. You specify how to distribute the person's earnings among the sponsoring groups.

  • Benefits program.

After you enter job information into the system, you can work with it in a variety of ways. For example, you can generate printed reports, view summary data pages, and perform ad hoc queries online. You can also use job data as the basis for performing tasks in all other aspects of human resources management, such as salary administration, regulatory requirements, payroll, and benefits.

Understanding Employment Information Data

Unlike the data on the Job Data pages, the information for Employment Information isn't effective-dated, so the data that you enter and review on this page tells you about the worker's current information for this employment record number.

This means that if you rehire a worker and enter a future effective date, the system deselects the Termination Date and Assignment End Date fields. To review information that is in other data rows, use the Job Data component.

This page tracks data at two different levels: organizational and assignment. The organizational instance is the occurrence of an employment, contingent worker, or POI relationship with an organization, initiated when you create the person's first job data record. The system uses an organizational instance record number to distinguish between organizational instances. The organizational instance number is the same as the Employment Record (ERN) of the original (controlling) job data record under that instance.

The assignment level is the actual job data record, or records, associated with the instance. Since people can have more than one job data record under an instance (for example, an additional job or a temporary assignment), tracking the dates of the assignments separately from the dates of the instance enables you to distinguish between when a person was hired (tracked at the instance level) and terminated and when they started and completed an assignment or job.

The system uses the dates of the original job data record under an instance (when there are more than one job data records under an instance, this job data record is the controlling instance) to determine the dates of the instance. All other assignments under the instance inherit the instance dates from the original assignment.

The system also uses the actions you use on a job data record to determine which dates to update. For example, when you use the action of HIR (hire), the system assumes that the new job data record represents a new instance for a new hire, with its own hire dates. However, if you use the action of ADL (additional job), the system assumes that the new job data record is in addition to an existing instance and will use the hire dates from the controlling instance.

This example illustrates how the system establishes and tracks the organizational record numbers, ERNs, instance dates, and assignment dates for someone with multiple organizational relationships and job data records:

Note: This example is intended to illustrate the record number fields and the system date fields, not every field on this page.

Bobby Singh joined company XYZ on February 2, 2012. At the end of 2016, company ABC bought company XYZ; it completed the takeover on January 1, 2017. When the HR administrator at company ABC first enters Bobby in the system, he creates a job data record with the action of HIR and an effective date of January 1, 2017, reflecting Bobby's hire date with the new company.

The fields on the Employment Data page have the following values:

Bobby Singh

Empl ID: XYZ001

ERN: 0




Organizational Instance

Organizational Instance Record


Original Start Date

February 2, 2012

The system entered the effective date of the job data record as a default value, but the HR administrator overrides it to enter Bobby's start date at company XYZ.

Last Start Date

January 01, 2017

First Start Date

Note: This is the hire date used in all reports tracking hires.

January 01, 2017

Termination Date


Org Instance Service Date

January 02, 2017

The system entered the effective date of the job data record as a default value, but the HR administrator overrides it to the date from which the company calculates service for acquired employees.

Organizational Assignment

Last Assignment Start Date

January 01, 2017

First Assignment Start

January 01, 2017

Assignment End Date


From June 3, 2017 to September 10, 2017, Bobby has an additional assignment with the company. The HR administrator uses the action of ADL when creating the additional assignment so the system does not treat the new job data record as a separate instance with it's own hire date. The fields on the Employment Data page for the new assignment's job data record have the following values:

Bobby Singh

Empl ID: XYZ001

ERN: 1




Organizational Instance

Organizational Instance Record


Original Start Date

February 2, 2012

Last Start Date

January 01, 2017

First Start Date

January 01, 2017

Termination Date


Org Instance Service Date

January 02, 2017

Organizational Assignment

Last Assignment Start Date

June 3, 2017

First Assignment Start

June 3, 2017

Assignment End Date

September 10, 2017

The organizational instance dates come from the original, controlling instance and cannot be changed on the Employment Data page for the non-controlling instance.

On September 15, 2017, Bobby takes on a new job with company ABC. The HR administrator creates a new employment instance and uses the action of HIR when creating the instance. The fields on the Employment Data page for the new job have the following values:

Bobby Singh

EmplID: XYZ001

ERN: 2




Organizational Instance

Organizational Instance Record


Note: Notice that the organizational instance record number does not follow in sequence with Bobby's other instance, but that it matches the ERN of the job data record created under the new instance.

Original Start Date

September 15, 2017

Last Start Date

September 15, 2017

First Start Date

September 15, 2017

Termination Date


Org Instance Service Date

September 15, 2017

Organizational Assignment

Last Assignment Start Date

September 15, 2017

First Assignment Start

September 15, 2017

Assignment End Date


This organizational instance is completely separate from the first organizational instance and Bobby is treated as a new hire, as reflected in his original start date and service date. A company with different business rules may choose to acknowledge his past service for this instance, but company ABC does not and, because the two instances are separate, it doesn't have to.

Bobby is offered an additional assignment with the second job starting on January 14, 2018 and so he tenders his resignation for his original job, effective January 15, 2018. The fields on the Employment Data page for the first organizational instance have the following values:

Bobby Singh

Empl ID: XYZ001

ERN: 0




Organizational Instance

Organizational Instance Record


Original Start Date

February 2, 2012

Last Start Date

January 1, 2017

First Start Date

January 1, 2017

Termination Date

January 15, 2018

Org Instance Service Date

January 2, 2017

Organizational Assignment

Last Assignment Start Date

January 1, 2017

First Assignment Start

January 1, 2017

Assignment End Date

January 15, 2018

The fields on the Employment Data page for the new assignment under the second organizational instance have the following values:

Bobby Singh

Empl ID: XYZ001

ERN: 3




Organizational Instance

Organizational Instance Record


Original Start Date

September 15, 2017

Last Start Date

September 15, 2017

First Start Date

September 15, 2017

Termination Date


Org Instance Service Date

September 15, 2017

Organizational Assignment

Last Assignment Start Date

January 14, 2018

First Assignment Start

January 14, 2018

Assignment End Date


Finally, the division in which Bobby has worked the two jobs in his second organizational instance closes, terminating both the controlling instance and, by association, the assignment effective September 30, 2018 and Bobby is rehired into his original job with a new, additional job on the side, effective September 15, 2018.

The following graphic illustrates Bobby's organizational instance record 0 and assignments:

'Bobby's organizational relationships and assignments for organizational record 0 (1 of 2)

The following graphic illustrates Bobby's organizational instance record 1 and assignments:

'Bobby's organizational relationships and assignments for organizational record 2 (2 of 2)

Notice that all of the instance dates come from the controlling assignment and that the termination date is refreshed when Bobby is rehired.

Differences Between the Add Employment Instance, Add Contingent Worker Instance, and Add POI Instance Components

The Add Contingent Worker Instance and Add POI Instance components are almost identical to the Add Employment Instance component with the following exceptions:


Add Employment Instance Fields

Add Contingent Worker Instance Fields

Add POI Instance Fields

Work Location

The default value for the Action field is Hire

The default value for the Action field is Add Contingent Worker

The default value for the Action field is Add Person of Interest

Work Location

Payroll Status

Job Status

Job Status


Employee Type

Pay Type

Pay Type

Employment Information

Provider ID

Provider ID

Security Considerations for Users Managing Employees and Contingent Workers

PeopleSoft Human Resources enables human resources administrators to create job records for people in departments that they can't access for updates. This enables them to transfer workers from one department to another.

If you want to prevent administrators from creating job records for people in departments to which they don't have access, the system contains an optional view (DEPT_TBL_ACCESS) that shows only the department IDs. The administrator can access the view based on user security. To use this view, update the JOB record in PeopleSoft Application Designer so that the prompt table for the DEPT_ID field is DEPT_TBL_ACCESS.

Managing Job Data When You Use the Manage Positions Business Process

If you drive part or all of PeopleSoft Human Resources by position, the process of adding a new job data record is somewhat different from the one that is described in these topics. You still enter some data on the pages that are described in these topics, but because you've already set up most job-related data on the Position Data component (POSITION_DATA), the system inserts default data automatically in many fields.

Full Position Management

Partial Position Management

Position-related fields are unavailable for entry in several Administer Workforce pages. When you select a position number for the person in the Position Number field, the system updates the position-related fields with the values associated with the position in the Position Data component.

The position-related fields are available for entry until you enter a position number in the Position Number field and move out of the field. The system updates the position-related fields with the values associated with the position in the Position Data component and makes them unavailable for entry.

Adding Versus Updating Job Records

After you set up job records for a member of the workforce, you can enter more data, build a comprehensive history of the person's career with the organization, and support workforce-related planning and decision-making for all areas of the organization.

The pages that you use when you add an organizational instance are the same ones that you use later to update existing job data records but are contained on different components. Use the Job Data component to update job data information.

Warning! PeopleSoft can't guarantee the results if you use the Add Employment Instance, Add Contingent Worker Instance, Add POI Instance, or Add Additional Assignment components to modify existing data. Use these components only when creating a new organizational instance.

See Understanding the Process of Updating Person and Job Information.

See Understanding the Administering PAR System.

(JPN) Assigning Internal Identification Numbers

This feature enables you to assign to a person's job record identification numbers that have some meaning to the organization. For example, the third digit of an internal ID may indicate employment type; the fifth might indicate work location; and the sixth, job type. You can store a standard ID, which doesn't have meaning and is used for keying the database, and an alternative, meaningful ID that can be changed as the person's circumstances change.

The system assigns IDs to people as you add them to the system in the Personal Information component. The system uses this ID to identify the person in all job records. Enter a meaningful internal ID number for a person in the Internal Empl ID field on the Work Location page to capture information about the person's job situation.

You can update the internal ID each time that you insert a new row into the Job Data component. You can see those changes at a glance on the employee's Job Summary page, and you can search employees by their internal IDs.

The following examples illustrate how a person's internal emplID changes as their relationship to the organization changes, while their standard ID remains constant.

Example 1

In the Internal EmplID column of the following table, the first two numbers indicate the year (2004) that the person is hired as a full-time employee and the 2 in 20091 indicates part-time employment:

Effective Date




Internal EmplID


April 1, 2008

Pay rate change




April 1, 2004


New position



Rehired as full-time employee.

March 31, 2004




April 1, 2000


Temporary assignment



Hired as contingent worker.

Example 2

In the Internal EmplID column of the following table, the first two numbers indicate the year (2000 and 2005) that the person is hired as an employee with the company and the next three numbers indicate the company (014 and 034) that the person is working for:

Effective Date




Internal EmplID


May 31, 2006


Completion of intercompany transfer



Transferred back to home company.

May 8, 2005


Intercompany transfer



Transferred to host company.

April 1, 2000


New graduates



Hired as a full time employee.

Before you add a new organizational instance: