Understanding the Administering PAR System

The administering PAR system provides you with the power to process action requests quickly and easily. The system automatically routes a wide variety of requests directly to reviewing officials, and on to human resources, in the path your agency designates.

If anyone needs further information, the system automatically routes that inquiry back to the originator. All involved are included in the communication loop and always know that their requests are moving through a well-mapped review, authorization, and approval cycle.

Note: Keep in mind that the description and samples described throughout this book are illustrative, flexible models that you can adapt for your agency's personnel administration system. Your agency can set up the Administer Workforce system routing, security, accessing, processing, and many other features to meet your individual agency needs and requirements.

Using a streamlined menu structure, you can navigate quickly and easily through the whole process. Using PeopleSoft workflow, you indicate the level of authorization and the system routes the request through the process for you.

Significant features of the PAR system include:

  • Flexible work-in-progress processing.

  • Cancellation and correction functionality.

  • Reviewed flag processing for retroactive personnel actions.

  • Enhanced navigation with pages.

  • Issuing awards and bonuses.

  • Detail assignment processing.

  • Support for the personnel office identifier (POI) signature requirement.

Field or Control


PAR Status

The PAR status code automatically defaults to Requested for new actions. Leave this as a work-in-progress request with that status until you have complete data. After you have completed all the necessary information, keep the PAR status as Requested to send it on to human resources officials for approval and processing.

If you aren't ready to submit the request, change the status to Initiated, and keep working on it until you're done. Change the status to Requested to submit it.

After completing the HR Request pages and reviewing the data, assign a status of Processed by HR to approve and finalize this request.

Once you assign the status of Processed by HR, the request becomes an actual event and is posted in the system to interface with PeopleSoft Payroll, Manage Base Benefits, or other related areas.

If the request is invalid or needs further information, assign a status of Disapproved or Return to Sender.

Begin every personnel action request on the Data Control page. The first time you open the page, the most recent personnel action request appears automatically. Before creating a new request, you must insert a new row for all actions or changes.

In order to save time, the system assumes you want to continue viewing and updating information on the same employee, so when you move to a new page in the component, information for that same employee appears automatically.

Many of the tasks you perform throughout the day are part of larger tasks that involve multiple steps and several people in your organization working together. PeopleSoft workflow tools help you build the larger process into your PeopleSoft Human Resources system, automating vital business tasks. You can tie together the individual steps so that PeopleSoft can help coordinate the activities. Because the system has the big picture and knows what you are trying to accomplish, it can automatically start the next step in the workflow, following your organization's business rules.

Using workflow capabilities for administering personnel actions, the PAR status indicates the steps in routing and provides employees, supervisors, and human resources professionals easy access, surveillance, and security in the request management process. Workflow routes requests by sending personnel actions through a cycle to initiate, request, authorize, and approve requests, and provides options along the way for more time, further information, or returning to sender. Workflow then sends requests on to human resources for final processing. The automated workflow process ensures that the action request goes through all the reviews your agency needs until it becomes an actual event.