Understanding Special Security Options for Global Assignments

Employees on global assignment have two Job Data records: a Home assignment and Host assignment. Because of the challenges of managing someone with two job data records that are separate, yet connected, PeopleSoft HCM security provides you with Home/Host security options that apply to the data permission security that you have already set up for your users.

Using Home/Host security options you can:

  • Limit a user's access to the Job Data records to which their standard data permission grants them access.

    Note: This is the default option in effect when you choose not to enable any Home/Host security options.

  • Enable a user who has access to an employee's Home data to also be able view the Host data.

  • Enable a user who has access to an employee's Host data to also be able to view the Home data.

  • Enable users with Home data to be able to view Host data and users with access to Host data to be able to view Home data.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Security.

Example: Using Home/Host Security Options

Jan Smit is ordinarily based in New York but has been sent on assignment to Sydney, Australia. Jan's organization uses the Business Unit field to secure person data. Her Home Job Data record is in the Eastern US business unit and her Host Job Data record is in the Australia Business Unit.

The following table illustrates who can access Jan's data, depending on how Home/Host access has been set up:

Note: The system uses a number of fields from the Job Data pages to secure the data of people with jobs, but their data is secured using this data on a variety of pages throughout the system, not just the job pages.

Home/Host Access Type

Data Tied to Home Job Data

Data Tied to Host Job Data

No Home/Host Security Option

Eastern BU users*

Australia BU users**

Home can see Host

Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Eastern BU users

Host can see Home

  • Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

Australia BU users


(Home can see Host and Host can see Home)

  • Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Eastern BU users

Note: Eastern BU users: People with access to the Eastern US business unit, such as Jan's Home manager or the Eastern US HR Administrator.

Australia BU users: People with access to Australia business unit, such as Jan's Host manager or the Australian HR Administrator.

Setting Up Home/Host Security Options

To enable home host security:

  1. Select the Include Home/Host Access? check box on the Security Install Settings page (SCRTY_INSTALL) and indicate which version of Home/Host security you want to use.

  2. On the Security Access Type page (SCRTY_TYPE2_TBL), select which version of Home/Host security to use.

    By enabling Home/Host security at the security access type level, you can use it with one security type but not another.

    For example, managers many have data permission using the Job Department Tree security access type and HR administrators have access using the Job Location access type. You could enable Home/Host Security for the Job Location access type to allow HR administrators to continue to administer employees on assignment, while not enabling it for managers so that they can continue to only see their current direct reports.

    Note: The options available depend on which option you selected on the Security Install Settings page.

See Implementing Data Permission Security.