Understanding the Works Councils Approval Business Process

This topic discusses how to set up the Works Council business process.

To set up and run the Works Council business process:

  1. Set up codes and values on the Change by Regulatory Region page (WC_ACTN_REASON_TBL).

  2. Human Resources Administrator or Manager requests a Job Change for an worker.

    If a manager submits the request, the HR Administrator is notified and reviews the request. If the HR Administrator approves the request, the Works Council is notified.

    For job change requests such as transfers that involve a change in reporting managers, the new manager enters the job change request and the current manager approves or denies the job change request.

  3. Works Council reviews and approves or denies the worker job change request.

    The processing for the works council review and approval is automated. The works council member reviews the job change request, uses the Job Change Request pages (WC_JOB_CHG_REQ) to look at the information about the worker and the action, and enters a response (or decision). Once a decision is entered, the human resources administrator is notified with an email and worklist.

  4. Review the works council's decisions.

    The human resources administrator uses the Review All Job Change Request page (WC_JCR_STATUS2_INQ) to review the works council's decision and chooses to accept or override the works council's decision. If the human resources administrator overrides the works council decision, the works council is notified with an email and worklist.

  5. Load changes to job data.

    Changes can be loaded manually or automatically.

Important! Managers can only enter job change requests using the self service pages as delivered with PeopleSoft eProfile. The request as part of Manage Labor Administration must be entered by the HR Administrator.

The following tables discuss the delivered processes by role and business process.

Hire Process

Business Process

Requested by

Approved by

Human Resources

HR Administrator

Works Council



Works Council

Termination Process

Business Process

Requested by

Approved by

Human Resources

HR Administrator

Works Council



Works Council

Transfer Process

Business Process

Requested by

Approved by

Human Resources

HR Administrator

Works Council


New Manager

Manager, Works Council

Works councils members should use the Job Change Request pages to record works councils decisions about personnel actions affecting workers. HR managers should use them to request changes. Before using these pages, however, you must define job changes and reasons by regulatory region on the Change by Regulatory Region page.

All job change requests can be represented by a single process flow, with the exception of an Employee Transfer. Employee Transfers are an exception because they involve both a new requesting manager and the current manager who must approve the transfer. Once the current manager approves the transfer, the Employee Transfer business process is identical to the standard Job Change Request - Works Councils process.