Integrating with PeopleSoft Expenses

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Paysheet Transactions Page


Load Expenses data into paysheets. Use after you receive data from Expenses.

Expenses Payment Notification Page


Run the Expenses Payment Notification process, which publishes a verification of payment to Expenses. Use this page after you confirm a pay run.

For more information, see your Financials and Supply Chain Management (FSCM) PeopleSoft Expenses product documentation.

When you use the Expenses with Payroll for North America interface, you can pay approved expense advances and reimbursements in on-cycle or off-cycle pay runs. Payroll for North America processes the unique taxation and reporting requirements of each type of reimbursement based on the transactions that are received from Expenses. The earnings code indicates the tax status of each payment.

The interface begins when someone enters a request in Expenses to send expense data to payroll. The following procedure explains what to do after the records are sent:

  1. Check Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor to confirm receipt of records.

  2. Load data into paysheets using the Load Paysheet Transactions process.

    See Loading Paysheet Transactions.

  3. Run the rest of the payroll process.

  4. If you use PeopleSoft General Ledger interface, you must generate and load accounting lines after the pay run is confirmed.

  5. Publish payment data back to Expenses using the Expenses Payment Notification page.

Validation of Data

The payroll system receives the expense records, validates them, and posts a message on Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor to inform you that the records have arrived. Records that do not pass the validation for any of the following reasons are returned to Expenses automatically so that they can be corrected and resent:

  • Invalid Earning Code.

  • Invalid Employee ID & Record#.

  • Invalid Currency Code.

  • Transaction already exists.

  • Expenses Sheet in Error (If an Empl ID/Empl Rcd # has one or more error in the Expense Document ID, Expense Document Type being processed).

  • Amount Exceeds Maximum (If the converted value of the amount is longer than 11.2 digits, it should be split into smaller amounts).

Rules for Processing

Processing rules for expenses are as follows:

  • If gross-up instructions have been entered in Expenses, payroll creates a separate check for the expense.

    Gross-up items cannot be combined with other earnings that are not to be grossed-up.

  • Negative adjustments to expenses previously sent to payroll must be processed in an on-cycle pay run with other items that offset the negative amount.

GL Interface

Running GL interface before sending payroll data to Expenses enables you to send the GL account number along with the expense data sent to Expenses. If you use GL Interface, you must run both the GL Interface PSJob process (PAYGL01A) and the HR Accounting Line Report Structured Query Report (SQR) Report process (PAY039) before sending payment notification to Expenses.

See Preparing and Transferring Payroll Data to General Ledger.

Notification of Payment

The Expenses Payment Notification Application Engine process (PYEX_NOTIFY) publishes the following payment data back to Expenses:

  • Employee ID and employee record number.

  • Reimbursement amount.

  • Reimbursement currency.

  • Document ID (sheet ID or advance ID).

  • Document type (sheet or advance).

  • Sequence number.

  • Status (paid).

  • Check status (confirmed, reversed, etc).

  • Check number.

  • Check date.

  • Check/advice stock.

  • GL account (if using PeopleSoft General Ledger Interface).

Before using the integration between Payroll for North America and Expenses, configure the Integration Broker nodes and activate the appropriate queues, handlers, and routings for these service operations:

Service Operation



Expenses publishes data.


Payroll for North America validates the data and publishes the results of validation.


Payroll for North America publishes notification of payment.

Configure corresponding service operations for the Expenses side of the integration.

Note: To research the technical details of any integration point used by PeopleSoft applications, refer to the Interactive Services Repository on My Oracle Support.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker