Viewing Reemployed Annuitant Information

Page Name

Definition Name


Annuity Details Page


(USF) View details about reemployed annuitants (federal retirees that are reemployed by the U.S. federal government) to ensure that they are not receiving pay from more than one U.S. federal government source.

Data on this page is display-only.

Annuity Totals Page


(USF) View totals pertaining to reemployed annuitants.

Data on this page is display-only.

(USF) Use the Annuity Details page (GVT_ANNUITY_DTL) to view details about reemployed annuitants (federal retirees that are reemployed by the U.S. federal government) to ensure that they are not receiving pay from more than one U.S. federal government source.


Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USF > Pay Period Reports > Employed Retired Annuitant > Annuity Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Annuity Details page.

Annuity Details page

Field or Control


First Hire Date, Rehire Date, and Termination Date

Displays the first hire, rehire, and termination dates that are equal to, or between, the pay period start and end dates.

Annuity Amount

Displays the annuity offset dollar amount paid to the annuity for the pay period, which is (pre-offset minus offset rate) times 80 regular hours.


Indicates the type of retirement plan that the employee has.

FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits)

The system selects this check box if the employee in enrolled in a health plan.

(USF) Use the Annuity Totals page (GVT_ANNUIT_TOT) to view totals pertaining to reemployed annuitants.


Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USF > Pay Period Reports > Employed Retired Annuitant > Annuity Totals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Annuity Totals page.

Annuity Totals page

Totals on the Annuity Totals page reflect the total activity during the defined pay period.

Field or Control


Total Reemployed Annuitants

Displays the total number of annuitant employees reported.

Total New Hires

Displays the total number of newly hired annuitant employees.

Note: The date of hire appears in the New Hire Date field on the Annuity Details page.

CSRS Reemployed Annuitants (Civil Service Retirement System reemployed annuitants)

Displays the total number of annuitant employees who have a civil service employee retirement plan (type 1, 6, C, E, R, or T).

FERS Reemployed Annuitants (Federal Employee Retirement System reemployed annuitants)

Displays the total number of annuitant employees who have a federal employee retirement plan (type K, L, M, or N).

FERS-RAE Reemployed Annuitants (Federal Employee Retirement System - Revised Annuity Employees reemployed annuitants)

Displays the total number of employees who have a federal employee, revised annuity retirement plan (type of KR, LR, MR or NR).

FERS-FRAE Reemployed Annuitants (Federal Employee Retirement System - Further Revised Annuity Employees reemployed annuitants)

Displays the total number of annuitant employees who have a federal employee, further revised annuity retirement plan (type KF, LF, MF, or NF).

Total Separations

Displays the total number of annuitant employees who have separated.

Note: The date of separation appears in the Termination Date field on the Annuity Details page.