Viewing the Report Run History

Perform these steps to view the list of all runs for the selected report schedule since the last history deletion.

Note: The run history is only captured for scheduled reports, or on-demand reports delivered by Email.

To view the report run history:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. On the Reports page:
    1. Click the Reports tab.
    2. Select a report, and then click the Schedule detail window.
  3. In the Schedule detail window, select a schedule name.
  4. Select Row Actions and click View History.
  5. On the History dialog box, review the recent report runs.
    • To clear the history, click Clear History.
    • Click Save or Cancel to close the History dialog box.

Related Topics

About Reports

Reporting in P6 EPPM (Cloud only)

Assigning Permissions for P6 EPPM Reporting (Cloud only)

Working with Reports

Scheduling Reports

Running Reports On-Demand

Sample P6 EPPM Reports

Last Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023