Reporting in P6 EPPM (Cloud only)

P6 EPPM relies on your P6 reporting software and the P6 EPPM EPPM Extended Schema to produce reports. To run reports in P6 EPPM, you must complete these tasks:

  1. For publication services, configure publication settings for general data, time distributed data, blob data, and log retention. You can also configure publication services settings for project arbiter, projects, enterprise data, enterprise summaries, resource management, and security.
  2. Configure and deploy the publication services required to populate the reporting views in the P6 EPPM Extended Schema. See Working with Publication Services
  3. Configure your your P6 reporting software to allow P6 to use parameter keys so users do not have to enter field values for reports.
  4. When you begin working in P6, configure your application settings and global scheduled services. See the P6 EPPM Application Administration Guide.
  5. Provide users with the Edit EPS Costs/Financials project privilege if they need to view project costs in a report generated from the P6 EPPM Extended Schema. See the P6 EPPM Application Administration Guide.

    Note: A user who has the right to view costs and financials at WBS level but not at Project level will not see financial data at the WBS level. Although the user has the privilege to view cost and financial data at WBS level, the data is only published at project level.

To run P6 reports, you must:

Related Topics

About Reports

Assigning Permissions for P6 EPPM Reporting (Cloud only)

Working with Reports

Scheduling Reports

Running Reports On-Demand

Viewing the Report Run History

Sample P6 EPPM Reports

Last Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023