Configuring Project Preferences for Multiple Projects

If you need to make changes to the preference for multiple projects simultaneously, you can make the change to the highest relevant EPS node. All changes you make to the fields, options, and lists in the project preferences dialog box at EPS level will be applied to all visible child projects in all visible child EPS nodes of the selected EPS node.

To change project preferences for multiple projects:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  3. Select an EPS node.
  4. Click the Row Actions menu and select Set Project Preferences.
  5. In the Project Preferences of EPS dialog box:
    1. Make the changes you want to apply to child projects.
    2. Click Apply.

Note: Only the preferences you edited will be applied to child projects.

  1. Click Save.


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Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024