Configuring Project Defaults

Configure project defaults to define how new activities and assignments will display in a project.

To configure project defaults:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  3. On the EPS page:
    1. Select a project.
    2. Click Row Actions and select Set Project Preferences.
    3. In the Project Preferences pane, click General.
    4. On the General page:
      • In the New Activities section, configure the default Duration Type, Percent Complete Type, Activity Type, Calendar, Cost Account, and Price/Unit for new activities added to the project.
      • In the New Activities - Auto Numbering section, configure the Activity ID Prefix, Activity ID Suffix, and Increment to use for the Activity ID for new activities added to the project.
      • In the New Assignments section, configure the Rate Type to use for new assignments made in the project, whether new assignment should Drive activity dates by default, and whether Resources can be assigned to the same activity more than once.
      • In the General section, specify a WBS Code Separator and select a month on the Fiscal year begins on the first day of list.
    5. Click Apply.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024