Configuring Activity View Filters

You can modify or create filters. These filters can then be applied to several different activity views.

To configure activity view filters:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
    1. On the Activities page:
      • Click the Activity View list and select an activity view to configure.
      • Click Customize View.
    2. In the Manage Views dialog box, click the Filtering tab.
    3. On the Filtering tab:
      • You can modify a filter.
      • You can create a filter.
      • You can apply filters.
      • Click Save and Apply when finished.


Related Topics

About Activity Views

Applying Filters

Creating Filters

Configuring Filters

Working with Activity Views

Creating Activity or EPS Views

Exporting Views

Importing Views

Configuring Activity Views

Configuring Filters

Creating Filters

Applying Filters

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024