Exporting Views

Export views to share them with colleagues working in another P6 system.

To export views:

  1. Click Projects or Resources.
    • On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities, EPS, or Assignments.
    • On the Resources navigation bar, click Assignments.
  2. Click the Views menu and select Import/Export Views.
  3. Click the Export tab.
  4. On the Export tab:
    1. Select whether to export Classic Views or Standard Views.
    2. Select the views to export.

      Note: Use the Select All / Deselect All option to select all views available to you. You cannot export both classic and standard views to the same file.

    3. Click Export.
  5. In the download window, specify a location and name for the file.

Related Topics

About Activity Views

Working with Activity Views

Creating Activity or EPS Views

Importing Views

Configuring Activity Views

Configuring Activity View Filters

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024