Viewing Resource Usage

Use the Resource view to view resource allocation as a histogram (total allocation across time) or as a spreadsheet (of resource allocation values by project). You can view totals for an entire resource grouping (role, resource code, or resource team) or for individual resources.

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Analysis.
  3. On the Analysis page, click the Resource button.
  4. In the Resource view:
    1. In the Group By list, choose to view resources by Resource Hierarchy, Resource Code, Primary Role, Resource Team, or Assignment Code.
    2. Click a resource name, resource code, primary role, resource team, or assignment code.

      Note: When you select a resource code, resource team, or primary role, data for the entire node displays. You can select a resource name below the node to display data for a single resource or choose a resource from the Resource Hierarchy list.

    3. Click Customize View.
  5. In the Customize dialog box:
    1. On the General tab:
      • In the Display list, choose the display format (units or costs).

        Choose units to view resource use over the selected timescale interval; choose costs to view how much money is being spent over time.

      • In the Timescale field, choose a timescale interval.

        Choose a calendar interval (for example, Month/Week), or choose Financial Period to display the range of financial periods if financial periods are defined.

      • Select the Include assignments in restricted projects option to include a row in the view providing rolled-up data of the units assigned in projects you are not permitted to access.
    2. On the Chart tab:
      • Choose to show or hide a Limit line.

        The Limit line shows maximum availability and allocation based on the resource's calendar and Max units/time setting, along with application settings for hours per time period.

    3. Click Save.


Related Topics

Resource Analysis

About Resource Analysis

Analyzing Resource Allocations

Assigning Resources to Unstaffed Activities

Viewing Role Usage

Exporting Resource or Role Usage Data

Resource View of the Analysis Page

Configuring General Settings

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024