Assigning Resources to Unstaffed Activities

Use this procedure to assign resources to activities to fulfill staffing requests. Resources include the personnel and equipment that perform work on activities across all projects. Resources are generally reused between activities and/or projects.

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Analysis.
  3. On the Analysis page, click the Role button.
  4. In the Role view:
    1. Click the Group By list and select Role Hierarchy, and then select a role.
    2. Expand the role in the spreadsheet area and click the name of a project that has unstaffed units.
  5. In the Role activities for Project dialog box, select the check box next to each unstaffed activity you want to staff with the same resource and click Assign Resource....
  6. In the Assign Resource dialog box, select a resource. To review resource allocation before assigning a resource, click Show Usage. If you want to assign the selected resource to the activity, click Select.
  7. In the Assignment Settings dialog box, choose which Price per Unit, Units Per Time and Overtime Factor to use and click OK.
  8. Click Close.


Related Topics

Resource Analysis

About Resource Analysis

Analyzing Resource Allocations

Viewing Role Usage

Viewing Resource Usage

Exporting Resource or Role Usage Data

Analysis Page

Summarizing Projects

Configuring Dashboard Content

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024