Admin Menu (P6 Professional Only)

Admin Menu (Alt+A)



Enabled when active window is:

Corresponding toolbar


Opens the Users dialog box. Use the Users dialog box to add and remove users, and assign global and project profiles to users.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)

Security Profiles

Opens the Security Profiles dialog box. Use the Security Profiles dialog box to create, edit, and delete security profiles, or user access types.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)

Admin Preferences

Opens the Admin Preferences dialog box. Use the Admin Preferences dialog box to specify default settings established by the project administrator. You can also set the location for the online help.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)

Admin Categories

Opens the Admin Categories dialog box. Use the Admin Categories dialog box to define standard categories and values that you can apply to all projects.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)


Opens the Currencies dialog box. Use the Currencies dialog box to set up the currencies you want to use for costs.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)

Financial Period Calendars

Opens the Financial Period Calendars dialog box. Use the Financial Period Calendars dialog box to define global customized financial period calendars. Users can store a project's period performance (past period actuals) for any predefined period of the financial period calendar assigned to the project.


Administrator Toolbar (P6 Professional Only)

Related Topics

Add new users (P6 Professional Only)

Remove users (P6 Professional Only)

Assign global profiles (P6 Professional Only)

Assign project profiles (P6 Professional Only)

Global profiles

Project profiles

Administrative categories (P6 Professional Only)

Currencies (P6 Professional Only)

Financial Periods (P6 Professional Only)

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024