Menu bar

Use the Menu bar to access all available functionality in the module. You can change the location of the Menu bar, and you can customize the commands that appear in each menu. You can not hide the Menu bar.

The following tables list the commands available in each menu, provide a brief description of each command's function, and list the active windows in which the command is enabled. For menu commands that have corresponding icons, the tables list the toolbars on which the corresponding icons are located.

The Menu bar contains the following menus:


Related Topics

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Project Menu

Enterprise Menu

Tools Menu

Admin Menu (P6 Professional Only)

Help Menu

Customizing menus

Customizing toolbars

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Project Menu

Enterprise Menu

Tools Menu

Admin Menu (P6 Professional Only)

Help Menu

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024